Little B-Rabbit by Keikostar98 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Keikostar98's avatar

Published: Dec 9, 2012


derp flerp I BRING YOU A CHIBI OZ!!! :dummy:

so, my mam and stepdad were having a little one to many and when that happens, they tend to argue =u=;; :iconangryaliceplz: it scares me as fudge, so i put in headphones and began to draw. At first, i wanted to draw Gil and Oz as the Phantom and Christine, but i had two different good-looking pose ideas and didn't know what one to use :icongilcryplz: so in the end, i drew Oz in


Alice's clothes :la:

coloring is a little better, i say ouo;; i dunno =u=;; i tried to be better since i'm having second thoughts about drawing ;x;U i hope you like~

Oz belongs to (c)Jun Mochizuki

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787x1183px 891.75 KB