Someday, This Dream Will End by kelogsloops on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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It's been a whole dang minute since I've last posted on here, frankly I'm a little ashamed of myself... I do feel like I left behind my first supporters by having gone quiet on deviantArt, so to all you guys out there (IF YOU STILL ARE THERE), please forgive me! I would really like to get back to posting here on dA as it'll always be and always has been my 'first art home.' It's a new year with a fresh slate, so here's to change!

This painting was the first, but also final piece I created for my recent exhibition, The Dream. I like to think of it as 'the showstopper' as it was supposed to embody the theme wholly!

The Dream was a theme I've wanted to explore for the longest time! As a subject, it poses so many questions — where do dreams come from, what do they mean, and ultimately why do we dream? Dreams vary so much from one person to another, and interpretation varies even moreso one culture to another. But there are recurring motifs, themes or dreams that are commonly recorded despite the subjective nature. Take for example, the ‘falling’ dream. I’m confident that many of us have that dream at least once, where we find ourselves falling. Then, suddenly our bodies jerk, and we wake.

And then there’s those crazy nonsensical dreams that feel so vivid and clear in the moment, but as you wake and try to describe what you’d dreamt, you realise how impossible that really is. So we keep it to ourselves, and remember them as they were, and I think that’s what that makes them so interesting.

P.S, to all the Final Fantasy X fans out there, the title is a nod to the song, Someday The Dream Will End!
