I'm so sorry // LG [15] by Ker-by on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Myrtlefern couldn't quite believe it.

After all those moons, after losing his birth mother, he had lost Spidercurrent too. It was true he never really got to know Flood, but he did get to know Spidercurrent. He got to love Spidercurrent.

"He was attacked by some rogues that ambushed us at the border," Silentsplash had announced,

Minktail was the only one at the scene with Spidercurrent after Silentsplash had went to find help. When a patrol got to the scene, the rogues had been chased off, but Minktail sat with her head dipped over Spidercurrent's blood covered body.

"How could you let them kill you?" Myrtlefern sobbed, "How could you leave everyone behind- Bluespots, the new kits... How could you leave me?"

He wrapped his tail around the pile of dirt where his father was buried and let his tears wet the dry soil beneath him.

Myrtlefern's ears pricked up as he heard a faint, whispering voice -- but he didn't quite catch what the voice said as the words got blown away along with the wind.

"I love you, Spidercurrent," he said, his voice barely audible. "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel underappreciated. You mean the world to me. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Im sorry TMT I felt heartbroken when Spidercurrent died, I felt like I was Myrtlefern.

Name: Silentsplash

Gender: female

Age: 86 moons

Parents: Unknown

Backstory: received a prophecy about founding a new Clan to bring balance to the territories, and joined the Clan's efforts.

Mate: N/A

Kits: N/A


Newborns // LG [14]


Only you // LG [16]