KeyWiteWolf - Student, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

PKMNation - July 2023 - Event Week 2 by KeyWiteWolf, literature

PKMNation - July 2023 - Event Week 1 by KeyWiteWolf, literature

PKMNation - June 2023 - Event Week 2 by KeyWiteWolf, literature

PKMNation - June 2023 - Monthly Event by KeyWiteWolf, literature

PKMNation - June 2023 - Event Week 1 by KeyWiteWolf, literature

PKMNation - May 2023 - Event Week 2 by KeyWiteWolf, literature

PKMNation - May 2023 - Event Week 1 by KeyWiteWolf, literature

Ma'at - Full Description by KeyWiteWolf, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

PKMNation - Ref Sheet - Ameer by KeyWiteWolf, visual art

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My Bio

*(whispers)* It was me, I let the dogs out.

Seriously though, I'm just another random resident of the nuthouse here. But at least I'm one of the friendly ones. (I promise I only bite people who I'm close to and who are ok with that sort of thing. ~_^). Most of the time, I just help my friends behind the scenes with stories and world-building, since the main thing I want to do is be a story consultant. Speaking of which, if anyone ever needs a hand working on characters and world-building, drop me a note or something.

Current Residence: Ohio, or the nearest parallel dimension.

Favorite Quotes:
"I may not agree with your opinion, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to have it." - Voltair

"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen

"Ships are safe in port, but that is not why they were built." - unknown

"How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours." - unknown

“_I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death._” - Robert Fulghum

"Don't forget that maybe you are the lighthouse in someone's storm." - unknown

“_They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel._” - Carol Buchner

"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." - Chinese Proverb

“_Art doesn’t have to be pretty. It has to be meaningful._” - Duane Hanson

- If you want to know something specific, just leave me a comment or note me. Thanks.

Also, if anyone wants to support me, some of my friends made me get a ko-fi account.

Favourite Visual Artist

Don't know, to many people with awesome art. I can't even pic a favorite medium.

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

A little bit of everything. I'm serious, my taste is very eclectic.

Favourite Books

Waaay too many. I like to read. Though I will read anything if its good, I do mostly read fantasy and science fiction.

Favourite Writers

Like with the books, it's a variety.

Favourite Games

Undertale, Tales Of The Abyss, Minecraft, Fallout (all of them), Skyrim, FFXII, Rimworld, Dragon Quest 8, Legend of Dragoon, Crono Cross, Lunar, the .Hack// games, Okami, and a ton of others. RPGs mostly.

Favourite Gaming Platform

PC for certain games, PS2 for its amazing RPG library, a little bit of a mixture of everything else. I collect a lot of consoles, so it's a mixed bag.

Tools of the Trade which trade are we reffering? ~_^

Other Interests

Life, the universe, and everything!

General News: Greetings and salutations people. Sorry I have largely been away from DA (and Discord) most of the last couple months. A mix of things happened. But all you need to know, is you should be seeing a lot more of me again. There might still be a few days or even a week where I disappear, but those should be far less frequent now. Quick Art News: I finally have a replacement tablet for the one that got stolen earlier this year, and I finally have it working (it had a lot of compatibility problems), so you should finally be seeing some proper art from me finally. Though there's a few things I have to do first. Pokemon News: I know a Please follow this link to join. This is a promising looking group who are wanting to make a site like old DA, but improved. And they are listening to feedback from the community. Please check them out. This discord is the main way to reach them and get updates.

The amazing S-E-Sagas ( has reached 1000+ followers, so they are having a raffle. You should go check it out. But more importantly, you should go check out their gorgeous art if you haven't already. Now go visit them. Shoo.

Profile Comments 231

Thank-you~ ^w^

Receipt shall be sent momentarily~

*blush deeply* °/////°

Thank you for the watching Key! :heart: :huggle:

Thank you for the watch! It means a lot to me!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Oreo Cake with candles 50x50 icon

Aw, thanks so much. *(hugs)* I appreciate it. ^_^