Kindverse: Galaxy Guard by kindheart525 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Galaxy Guard
Nickname(s): Gal, G, Asshole (by Turquoise Edge)
Age: 18
Birthday: September 27
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and

Flash Sentry

, Cheerilee (stepmother)
Siblings: Dusk Star (older half-brother), Discovery (stepbrother), Honeycrisp (stepsister)
Future Spouse: Firefly (later divorced)
Children: Lunar Gauntlet (future daughter), Parasite/Candy (future daughter)
Daddy’s little princess through and through, Galaxy Guard is more privileged than she knows. She grew up in the lap of luxury, getting everything she wanted (including her job) handed to her on a silver platter. While always a bit of a spoiled brat, it wasn’t until the tragic death of her beloved father that Galaxy’s ugly side really began to show. Nowadays, it seems that’s all she ever talks about as she continuously pins the blame on others (including and especially Turquoise Edge) for her problems. She’s a gal with a grudge and she just can’t let it go. Despite her terrible attitude, Galaxy’s career as a royal guard has instilled in her a strong work ethic and sense of discipline that is worth admiring. Plus, she CAN be a good friend if she puts her anger aside and opens up to others. If only she would...
Galaxy was, and still is, a true daddy’s girl. She and Flash Sentry did everything together, from training for the guard to even simple ice cream outings. He doted on Galaxy constantly and basically convinced her that she could do no wrong. She remembers him fondly, which is why she has taken his death harder than anybody. Though she was never close with her mother, Twilight’s remarriage has caused Galaxy to resent her and loathe her stepmother Cheerilee. She claims that they are “dishonoring’ Flash’s memory, but she doesn’t realize that he wasn’t all she hypes him up to be...
Their mother may have a great relationship with her brother, but Galaxy and her brother Dusk Star have the opposite dynamic. Aside from having pretty much nothing in common, they’re often at odds over their differing relationships with her father. In Galaxy’s eyes, Dusk is overreacting when he says Flash didn’t love him. His nerdy interests aren’t that important, anyway. They don’t even get along as fellow politicial figures since their beliefs are so polarized. Eventually, they will find that they have even less in common than they thought. Her step-siblings Discovery and Honeycrisp are out of the question as far as she’s concerned; they’re not even close to family.
According to Galaxy, the root of all her problems is Turquoise Edge, her father’s killer. Once best friends, Galaxy has loathed her guts since the fateful accident that ended Flash’s life. Turquoise is the reason her life has fallen to pieces, all the while she gets off easy and gets to live a happy life with her family. And she has the nerve to beg for her forgiveness! Other friends and family, including old mutual friend Sentinel Shield, have tried to convince Galaxy of the truth, but she doesn’t listen. And she won’t for years to come.
While she puts up the front of an independent mare who doesn’t even think about relationships, Galaxy has a massive crush on Firefly. Something about the princess’s flirty, carefree nature turns Galaxy on and reduces her to a flustered mess. Maybe it’s just an infatuation, or maybe there’s something deeper that she sees in her. It doesn’t help that Firefly has made Galaxy the main target of her advances, seemingly returning the feeling. But it’s not like it’ll go anywhere...!
Despite Galaxy’s terrible attitude most of the time, she DOES have friends. She and Confetti Surprise have been close friends since fillyhood. Galaxy knows she can confide in Confetti about anything, which she does in their semi-regular flights at sunset. It seems Confetti always knows what to say, which helps Galaxy unwind. Another friend of Galaxy’s is Hawk Eye, who she “dated” in grade school before they both came out. He was one of the very few she told her secrets to, and they had nothing but fun memories together when they were younger. Galaxy still cherishes her good times with Hawk, but there seems to be a conflict of interest now that he’s the brother of a killer.
Cutie Mark:
Galaxy’s cutie mark is the symbol of protection on top of a literal galaxy, which fits perfectly with her status as a member of the royal guard. Even under her contempt and bitterness, her main mission is to use her combat skills to protect the ponies and to do Equestria—and her father’s legacy—proud. Above all, he was and continues to be the one who inspires her life’s work.