Flashpoint Paradox (DC Nation) by KingCozy7 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"You broke the time barrier, Barry..."

John C. McGinley as Eobard Thwane/Reverse-Flash
Jamie Alexander as Queen Diana
Trevor Donovan as Authur Curry/Aquaman
Iain de Caestecker as Barry Allen/Flash
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Thomas Wayne/The Batman
John Boyega as Vic Stone/Cyborg
Daniel Cudmore as Captain Thunder

Non Featured Cast:
Henry Cavil as Subject 01
Joshua Bowman as Hal Jordan
Rachel McAdams as Lois Lane
Jamie Bell as Grifter
Andrew Lincoln as Citizen Cold

Barry Allen feels different. He woke from his job at S.T.A.R. labs but everything is just... terrible. Captain Cold is now going by Citizen Cold and he's Keystone City's favorite hero. And the most shocking news is that Aquaman and Wonder Woman are starting another World War. Barry being completely confused he tired to suit up as The Flash but his ring was missing. Tried to look for it in his table but he was stopped by his mom, Nora Allen. Barry immediately panic and tried to run but immediately fell on his face. That's when Barry realized his powers are gone. Barry being very confused, he felt that the only person who would have the answers to all of his questions would have to be Bruce Wayne. As her drove up to Wayne Manor, it seemed slightly burned and abandoned. While searching through the house, Barry finally found The Batcave but once again everything seemed different. All the high-tech gadgets and computers were gone, it was merely empty except for a couple of empty bottles and some evidence trail leading towards the Joker. As Barry called for Bruce, he was attacked by The Batman. After breaking Barry's hand, Batman was asking how did Barry broke into the Batcave and why. Barry still being very confused of wondering why was Bruce attacking him. Then Barry realized that he wasn't being attacked by Bruce but by his father, Thomas Wayne. Barry felt like his brain was creating new memories but it wasn't. His body and brain were adjusting to this New Earth that he traveled too. The last thing Barry remember when he woke up earlier that day was that he was running away from an explosion. He tried to figure out more but he couldn't. While searching through his clothes for more clues he finally found his ring, but when he pressed the button it was the Reverse Flash instead. Barry knew that he was Thawne was behind all of this. Barry had to be stopped but the only way to stop him was to get his powers back. So Thomas and Barry recreated the accident that gave Barry his powers but it went horribly wrong and Barry burst into flames. Meanwhile, Lois Lane was being hunted down by some Amazon warriors. As soon Lois was about to be killed, she was rescued by The Grifter and his team called The Outlaws. Back at Wayne Manor, Barry woke up in pain from his injury. His whole body have been burned almost to a crisp. Thomas amazed of how Barry is still alive, he suggested that Barry should get some rest. But Barry refused and decided to try the experiment again. During the experiment, Barry memories began to scatter. But he finally knows what is all happening on this timeline. Apparently Aquaman and Wonder Woman finally joined together as an alliance, bringing peace to Atlantians and Amazons. But Aquaman had an affair with Mera and "accidentally" slept with Wonder Woman. In rage, Mera challenged Wonder Woman but lost. Ever since then Aquaman declared war. Victor Stone AKA Cyborg, was recruited by the president to try his best to stop this war. But Cyborg knew that be couldn't stop this war by himself, so he created a team called "The League." a team that he really needed Batman to joined but he was too busy hunting the Joker. Barry finally regaining his powers finally came up with a plan. With the help of Cyborg, had find the Alien that crashed landed in Metropolis a couple of years ago. Barry knew that the Alien was Superman from his timeline. They were going to need his help of they wanted to stop the war. So Barry vibrated the Reverse Flash costume back his original colors (BECAUSE "SCIENCE") and began to search for Superman. As the found him on a secret military base, he seemed different. He was small, skinny, afraid and his codename was Subject #1. As they escaped, Superman finally felt sunlight for the first time but flash began to have a seizure. Before they could escaped, They were caught by some guards and Superman began attacking and protecting his new friends. During Flash seizure, his old memories were starting to erase. When he woke he was in the house of the Thunder kids. They said they rescued them when Superman flew away. So Cyborg gathered the remaining members of The League and teleported to Paris where the war was taking place. Cyborg began his attack. He charged at Aquaman while Captain Thunder faced off with Wonder Woman. Batman teamed up with Grifter and the Outlaws to take out some of the Amazons while Flash lead The League to fight off the Atlantians. But The Flash was attacked by Reverse Flash. Flash in rage,
Chased after Reverse Flash, demanding him what has he done to this timeline. Though that's the thing, Thawne hasn't done anything, it was Barry fault. After the explosion that Lex Luthor set off, Barry broke his promise. He ran back into the past and saved his mother knowing that he would change the future and get rid of his powers. But when Barry lost his power he also lost his connection with the speed force and with Thawne being the only speedster with the connection, he erased Barry memory of running back to the past. And now that Thawne is the only one out of the time paradox, he was starting to steal Barry's powers nd gaining the upper hand. But Barry wasn't the only one who was losing the battle. Captain Thunder was tricked into saying his name and was killed by Wonder Woman. Grifter and his team died trying to protect Batman. And Cyborg was left badly injured by Aquaman, thus Aquaman being killed by Wonder Woman. With so much fighting Superman finally return in rage and started to go on rampage demanding the fight to stop. As soon Thawne was about to give the final blow to Barry, he was shot by Batman. Thomas Wayne gave Barry a letter and told him to run and fix everything. So Barry did. He ran back and stopped himself from saving his mom. Barry finally returned to his original timeline. The Justice League, Teen Titans and everything was back to normal. But with guilt of the little things that has done to cause such dramatic effects and going through 2 wars, Barry knew what he had to do. The first thing he did was he went Wally West apartment and left his ring and leaving a note with it saying "your turn." And then he went to the Batcave telling Bruce Wayne everything he went through and gave the letter to Bruce. With tears coming to Bruce eyes, he looked at Barry and said "Your one hell of a messenger...

Even though Barry gain back his original timeline, he didn't realize what else was he has won and lost. Lex Luthor won the presidential race but never started his war towards the Justice League. But Hal Jordan, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter are missing. But The great news has yet to come ... SUPERMAN HAS RETURNED!!

Notes/Update: 8/04
This is the LONGEST STORY THAT I HAVE EVRR WRITTEN.....EVER! so with being said please read it and as always...

:D I REALLY HOPE u guys like it :D

Credits: Nova20X LoganWaynee GaleRodrick17 BAILEY2088