Lahnk by KinkyUnicornSpit on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Lahnk OrePelt Monlisyn
Nicknames: Big guy
--- Former names:: OrePelt
Age: 56 Years old
Gender: Male
Species: Vargin -- Mountain/ Mix subspecies
Country of Origin: Centrium
Occupation: Body guard
Former Occupation: Miner
Language(s): Common, Vargin
Native tongue: Vargin
Religion: Daelain
Culture: Modern Vargin
Cultural Background: Small pack Miner

Height: 6'10"
Weight: ~290 lbs
Eye Color: Olive green
Hair: Tricolor brown to blonde. Kept with an undershave. Most often in a ponytail, but occasionally let down.
Skin: Fair with pink undertones
Figure/build: MASSIVE. Not only imposingly tall and broad, but built like a powerlifter.

Distinguishing marks:
-Tattoo(s): Geometric crystal similar to Xiumin's without the color
-Scars: Three claw marks across his nose/ muzzle
-Piercings: Lobe in each ear, horizontal and anti-eyebrow on each side
-Clothing style: Wearing leather armour 90% of the time, usually decorated with furs
-OTHER: Has a birthmark on the back of his left calf


Vargin Form::
Feral Height: 48" at shoulder (rump is slightly lower)
Feral Color: Dark brown to cream with bush marks and wild marks
Wings: None


Currently lives: Fayley
Living Arrangements: Lives with Xiumin in the penthouse of the Golden Chalice.
Description of daily surroundings: Wherever Xiumin is, which is usually out and about everywhere. Always within arms length to 15 feet away.

Hobbies: None that he has the freedom for, but rock carving and opening geodes
Talents/Skills: Mining, Combat (both melee and hand to hand), Looking imposing

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual/ biromantic

Basic description: A huge boi with a heart of gold. He takes his job very seriously and is very good at keeping Xiumin protected. Though he has great capacity for kindness and generosity and general do-gooding, he doesn't have the time or freedom for it all the time. Secretly sees himself as a Skallat for Zoomie, but would never say that since its stupid. Zooms is male. There were no females in his pack, but he always dreamed of being by one's side to protect her forever. So when he was scouted and assigned to the little cavern vargin, it was almost a dream come true. (Also has a romantic-natured, one-sided love for Xiumin, but on the lowdown)

Kind - Loves helping people and being nice
Patient - It's near impossible to upset him, only way is to mess with Xiumin
Laid-Back - Again, you just can't bug the guy
Mellow - Though he generally appears aggressive, he's so unbothered
Protective - Takes his job very seriously. He lives and breathes to guard his charge
Loyal - Like any vargin

Alignment: Neutral good/ Lawful neutral while working

Likes: His job, pups and other babies, Zooms, Taking care of his hair
Dislikes: People trying to fight his charge, bullying

Motivations: Protect Xiumin and that is all
Morals: Do not go into a fight to kill. Kill only if there is no other alternative
Fears/Phobias: Zoomie getting hurt, Being separated from Zooms

-Parents: Lahrk (father), Leilani (mother, deceased)
-Siblings: A few
-Other close relatives: Most of his mining pack were somehow related
Friends: Zooms
Partner: None
Offspring: None
Enemies: Anyone trying to hurt Zoomie
Pet(s): None