I really don't care xD by KiraiMirai on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is an actual personal opinion. Like.. you don't have to notify me that my "Thank you." comment on your profile is considered spam to you, I really do not care. If I did care, then I wouldn't be posting the comment in the first place. Instead of making a big drama scene out of with with you "having the right" to curse me out while I am just reading your respond while I "have to" accept your ranting.
Do you like the drama that much? Go to drama school. Instead of whining and complaining like a child who thinks that everything you say is "totally not offensive at all", be mature and use the block, hide or mark-as-spam option, because apparently it's extremely difficult to use two mouse clicks to block, hide or mark as spam.
Besides that it seems really difficult to just use those two mouse clicks and move on. No, apparently still a lot of people are bothering to make a huge drama out of it which is actually hilarious to see at this point. The more they cuss, the less I care (as if that's even possible.)

This is the only stamp where I have the comment section disabled. No, I am not scared to have people ranting on this stamp or whatever the hell you want to do, I simply cannot be assed to try to show my point of view to ignorant people (not implying that everyone is ignorant) for the hundredth time. You cannot force your ways of doing and thinking on me, I'm not doing it to you, am I? No, I'm not. As said: This is a personal opinion. Do not bother to Note me about this either, because again: I cannot be bothered to try to let a specific person see my point of view. If you're still going to send a ridiculous rant Note then you're simply wasting your energy and time.

Counter of how many people who wasted their time:

1 (Let's all have a good at laugh this person.)

I do stamp commissions! Check out my journal entry for more information.

Template: Deviant Stamp Template by stamp-album
Inspired by "There's an option for that, y'know?" made by AlexHaruko.