Trade: .:Fly With Me:. by Kirakayala on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Kirakayala on DeviantArt

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Kirakayala's avatar

Published: Nov 16, 2007


I'm sooooo sorry this took so long. ;A;
This is my half of an art trade with :iconblackmustang13:
Grrrrrr, stupid scanner ate iiit. D<
hope you like. <3

Character (c) :iconblackmustang13:
Art (c) Me

Image size

871x700px 300.27 KB

Sushimitzu's avatar

A cross :D I love crosses (Is there a plural of cross in English?) :) Have a cross necklace and I'm wearing it every day since I got it when I was like 12.