concorde by kirk12Lumiere on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

kirk12Lumiere on DeviantArt

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kirk12Lumiere's avatar

Published: May 4, 2018


concorde at a airshow very long time go

This is one of my dad 's photo he took at a airshow

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808x540px 13.44 KB

mrcreilly's avatar

I remember that Concorde used to fly over Reading in Berkshire when I lived there in the 1990's. It would fly overhead in the evening as I returned home from various dead end jobs. As it passsed overhead its thundering and broiling trajectory through the often overcast autumn skies was a transendental noise. Momentarily it would draw all away from the urban tedium with a promise of escape. I think it was at the 1990 Reading Rock Festival that the set of the Wedding Present was interrupted by its deafening roar ... felt as much as heard. The lead singer paused between tracks and said "Oh look Concorde! Blimey you have everything down here don't you!".