Elevator by kirokaze on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

kirokaze on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kirokaze/art/Elevator-612375144kirokaze

Deviation Actions

Daily Deviation

June 10, 2016

kirokaze's avatar

Published: May 31, 2016


a 24 frame animation.
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Image size

900x506px 573.76 KB

MephistoPan's avatar

Really good loop dude. As someone who is starting to work with parallax I find it interesting the way you have a dark open space between the middle plans (city) to the back plan (background city). You can get the idea that there are more building in between those middle plans and the background plan but there was not need to draw all those building along the way. It also keeps the whole thing a bit more clean and digestible. 😁 I also like how the lights vanish along the elevator ride - The only thing I would change is the characters reflection on the glass when the lights vanish from his body.

After all I'm just a noob in this area, and this art piece is from 2016 and after checking out your recent stuff I can tell a huge difference. You got my follow in your profile :)) Good stuff. Keep going 👏