SnowCat Animated Free Avatar by Kitrakaya on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Snow Cat animated :meow:


Pixel made 100% by me. This icon is free for DA use as long as credit and a link to me in your signature are given with it's use. This is non-negotiable.


~Only use at dA (unless given permission to otherwise by me)
~Must +fav the avatar (comment optional but not required)
~Link back in signature


~To make icon your avatar on DA, download/save it to your comp. Go to the top bar of your page where it says DeviantART on the top left, then where it says your Deviant ~yourname. Hover over your name with your pointer to bring down a menu. Click Settings in that menu, then on the settings page, click Identity on the far top left. The top box named Avatar will be where you change your icon. Just click the button that says Change Avatar, then choose the right file from your hard drive. After you choose it, click save button. You should now have the icon as your avatar.~
~To credit/link back, On the same page as the instructions above, you can create your signature. In a new tab, go to my DA page, copy the http address at the top of your browser on my page, then paste it into your signature, preferably after a credit like "Avatar by". It should create a working link to my page.~

Thanks! Use in good health! :D