2P Hetalia X Neko Reader Pt4 by kittykatrocks12 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

2P Hetalia X Neko Reader

Flavio finishes diner and begins setting the table. Still wary of his brother he calls up to him.

“Fratello, dinner is ready!” he shouts

A few minutes later Luciano walks into the room (Name) following behind him. He grabs a plate and serves himself then sits down to eat, not saying a word. Flavio serves himself and sits down as well. (Name) curls up by Luciano’s foot. To Flavio’s surprise he doesn’t do anything. He stares at his brother curiously. It doesn’t take long for Luciano to notice and get annoyed.

“What!” he snaps

“Well, I can’t help but notice you’re not pushing her away” Flavio says looking to the side

Luciano scowls but Flavio continues.

“Could it be your finally warming up her?” he ponders aloud

“I’m not warming up to her!” Luciano shouts

He shoves (Name) with his foot and she rolls away. (Name) lets out a low growl as she collects herself. She pads around the leg of the table and over to Flavio. He picks her up and puts her on his lap.

“Tsk, tsk, fratello, you shouldn’t be so rough” he scolds

Luciano frowns and looks down as (Name) pokes her head over the table. She sticks her tongue out and tries to lick the plate. Flavio laughs. He puts (Name on the floor and goes to the kitchen. He comes back with a small plate of pasta. He puts it by his chair and sits down. In seconds (Name) shoves her face in the pasta.

“So cute~” Flavio coos as he pets (Name) while she eats

The display of affection in front of Luciano is more than he can stand and he stands up abruptly.


Luciano ignores him and storms out. Flavio follows him (Name) not far behind.

“Fratello, where are you going?” Flavio asks

“Out” Luciano states before slamming the door shut

Flavio stares at the door confused before shrugging. He looks down to where he thought (Name) might be but finds the spot empty and he smiles.

“Good girl, go keep an eye on him” he whispers before returning to the dining room

Luciano is storming down the dark empty streets. After a bit he cools down. He huffs and shoves his hands in his pockets. With winter approaching the nights will be cooler and it will be harder to go out. He pauses when he hears familiar paw steps behind him. He turns to see (Name) padding up to him.

“What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be with fratello?” he asks tiredly

(Name) simply walks up to him and places a paw on his leg. She meows sadly and suddenly something inside him snaps. He reaches down and picks her up roughly and holds her close to his face.

“WHY THE HELL DO YOU KEEP FOLLOWING ME!?” he shouts shaking her

(Name) meows and rubs her head on his hand, keeping her eyes locked with his. He now realizes he doesn’t have his gloves. She closes her eyes and purrs and he loosens his grip.

“You’re always following me around and coming close to me no matter how much I push you away and even though my brother is nicer to you, you always come to me, I don’t understand, why”

(Name) meows and nuzzles his hand again. A breeze sweeps through the air and he feels her shiver. She curls in on herself trying to keep warm. Luciano tsks with a frown. She yelps when he shoves her in his pocket. She pokes her head out and looks at him confused.

“Don’t think this means I care, I’m only doing this cause fratello would be upset if you got sick”

(Name) meows happily and snuggles into the warmth of his pocket. He crosses his arms ad begins walking home.

Flavio is watching TV when the door opens. He leaps up and runs over.

“Are you feeling better fratello?” he asks

“Si” Luciano mumbles

“Where’s (Name)?” Flavio asks

The answer to his question jumps out of his brother’s pocket and lands on the floor.

“You were shielding her from the cold in your pocket” Flavio says in disbelief

“I only did it so you won’t be upset when she gets sick”

Flavio squeals and hugs his brother. Luciano’s cheeks turn pink and he tries to push him away but he won’t let go.

“That’s so sweet of you fratello”

“Yeah whatever, don’t get used to it”

Flavio pulls ways and looks at Luciano.

“Let’s head to bed”

Luciano nods and the two head upstairs. Flavio takes (Name) into his room and cuddles with her.

“You’re doing a great job of getting fratello to loosen up” he whispers to her

(Name) meows and snuggles her head into his chest. Flavio smiles and falls asleep holding her close. Luciano is in his room staring at the ceiling.

‘Why does she always follow me, I don’t understand?’

Luciano curls up and falls into a confused slumber.