Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell: The Black Tower by Kivitasku-Kt on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

“Have you found any thing yet to dispel the Darkness?”

“No, not yet. Though, to own the truth, I have been so busy recently - some new conjectures concerning naiads - that we have scarcely had time to apply ourselves seriously to the problem. But there are one or two things in Goubert’s_Gatekeeper of Apollo_ which look promising. We are optimistic.”

“I am glad. I am miserable when I think of you suffering.”

“Do not be miserable, I beg you. Apart from any thing else, I do not suffer. A little perhaps at first, but not now. … Besides who is to say that the Darkness may not be of advantage to us? We intend to go out of England and are likel to meet with all sorts of tricksy persons. An English magician is an impressive thing. Two English magicians are, I suppose, twice as impressive - but when those two English magicians are shrouded in an Impenetrable Darkness - ah, well!”
