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LiteratureDigimon RUSH chapter 117 “This is the place,” Kiwimon said. “This is where Motter is.” Jason looked at the place. “Are you sure?” “I think so. Motter and father are always changing their location, but this is where they first let me run.” “Father?” “This could be serious,” Hyeon said. “If this is another digimon, then we’re dealing with two powerful digimon.” Jason turned his attention to Dianne. “Dianne, if things get dangerous, just take Dovairmon and run.” “Huh?” “Just… Just please be careful.” And then Jason began walking down the alleyway. Dianne paused. “What’s gotten into you, Jason?” Hyeon asked. The camera focuses on the side of Jason’s face. “I can’t let Dianne get hurt. I lost Amelia because I couldn’t protect her. If we lose Dianne, then me and Hyeon will have to live with it for the rest of our lives.” Just then, an explosion is heard nearby. Jason could see the light shining through a window of the cafe on the end of theFeatured

LiteratureDigimon Hilarious nicknamesMossAgateTurtle beat me to it, but only because I mentioned the idea to him on Discord. At least he's giving me motivation to finally make this. FYI, I want to include characters from Digimon RUSH, but i will do it separately Leomon: the Cliffjumper of digimon Volcamon: Tankman Agumon: Unlit Charmander Guilmon: The natural enemy of the Pilsbury dough boy Grumblemon: Gollum Gigasmon: Squidward Gammamon: Literally Guilmon Dorumon: Guilmon's fursona Angoramon: Renamon+Terriermon fusion Etemon: Elvis Monke Cherrymon: Whispy Willow Cutemon: Literally Kuriboh Dorulumon: Gurren Lagan Peckmon: Ninja Limu Emu Myotismon: Every #$%^ time Beetlemon: Insecticon Optimus Prime Antylamon: Ultrawoman Rabbit Meicoomon: Literally Mikemon Jellymon: Arcee Locomon: Thomas the Tank Engine Daipenmon: Club Penguin fans today Zephyrmon: Literally Harpy Lady from yugioh MCmon: Shiny Musimon Shoutmon: Reekid Angewomon: Hentai Haven Sorcerermon: Gandolf the white Beelzemon:hilarious nicknames

Combination Calamity Meme TemplateMemes

LiteratureUPDATE on digimon rush: Editing focus (new update)Digimon rush is in need of serious update. I have announced that I would be working on chapters for a while. Right now, I think i need to focus on editing these chapters for three reasons: #1: The chapters are wordy and use excessive descriptions. #2: There is a contextual edit i need to make in regards to a detail i failed to bring up early in the series #3: There is too much focus on Ri-en. I will need to perform hard re-writes on the battles with Gelmon AND SkullMeramon to steer focus towards Takeru and Akamon. Until I complete the hard re-writes, i will be focusing on editing the old chapters. until then, new chapters will be on temporary hold. It is NOT A HIATUS, i just want to make that clear. I'm going to work on getting a full edited chapter done each day. But until then, it could be about 2-3 months until the next new chapter is uploaded. I deeply apologize for the long pause in digimon RUSH's progress. Just remember, i decided I would go all-out with this series from theDigimon RUSH

LiteratureSCP Theory: How to find EricWe already know that there are two SCPs who want to find someone called "Eric" One is SCP-066, "Eric's Toy," which used to be a ball of string that could create anything helpful or merely fun, from lab tools to music to cupcakes. One thing we know for sure, it is desperately trying to find someone or something named "Eric." Then there's SCP-6080, "Eric's cartoon box," which is a sentient box capable of creating anomalous records capable of storing cartoons (such as tapes, casettes, and DVDs) that can bring its viewers into the worlds of those cartoons. The box made itself clear that it wants people to watch its stuff. These guys both want to find Eric, and the SCP foundation could benefit from finding eric as well. But how do they find Eric? I have an idea: use SCP-978, the desire camera. SCP-978 is a polaroid camera. When it takes a picture of a living creature, the photo dispensed will display not the creature in question, but what they truly desire. For example, if you dreamedSCP theories

LiteratureYou're the change - Pokemon, fairy crisisStep 1.) You read the scenario Step 2.) You comment what you would do in that situation Step 3.) Wait until I reply to your comment, using what you said to finish the story. The scene is that you are the protagonist trainer in pokemon x/y. You’re going to Lavere city partly b/c you can. When you get there, you quickly learned that the Lavere city gym burned down recently. You decide to check in on Valerie, Lavere’s fairy-type gym leader. When you ask a furisode girl for directions to Valerie’s house, you hear that she hasn’t been herself since the gym burned down. This leaves you even more concerned, and you hurry toward Valerie’s house. When you get there, you knock on the door. No reply. You knock again. This time, there is a response. A very shy reply from what sounds like Valerie. You inform her that you’re the challenger from six months ago. She opens the door, inviting you in. When you enter, you’re shocked by what you see, as you quickly learnYATC - You Are The Change

LiteratureDigimon Harmonize: Evolution animation #1*Time for the evolution animation* *Conor stretches out his hand. A ring of fire circles around his hand, near his fingertips (kind of like when Takuya does it in Digimon frontier, so if u need help picturing it, look it up)* *Conor brings his D-tector and the ring of Fire together. He swipes the black glass part over the circular flame, still holding the D-tector upside-down. Conor: “FIRE UP!!” *Finishes swiping the D-Tector through the fire* *the flame circles around him, kind of like when Jack Atlas in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's summons red nova dragon* Conor: “WARRIOR EVOLUTION!!!” *The flames engulf Conor’s entireDigimon Harmonize

Pokemon Citrine and Topaz: Champion TsubakiPokemon Citrine and Topaz

Dark Sorcerer ShuraKamen Rider Flash Creations

This will keep digimon fans up at nightAssorted flash creations

LiteratureStar Fox: Kursed Heartaches, Entry #8Log 8: The Truth My name is Enness. I'm a lone warrior traveling through space searching for, and fighting for, the truth. It's been two weeks since Fox and Krystal made up. They returned to the Lylat system, and Krystal rejoined Star Fox. Coincidentally, so much chaos happened after their reunion, and Krystal's actions in response to these chaotic events were recognized enough for the Lylat system to forgive her. Even though the blame she had before wasn't her fault, the force keeping her from returning to Lylat was neutralized. About a week after their reunion, that's when I appeared, informing them of my whole plan. Truth iStar Fox: Kursed Heartaches

Dragon Wing: Adalria PlayaFairy Tail: Dragon Wing

LiteratureStar Fox Truth episode 2Episode 2: Waking up Enness’s ship, known as the True Thruster, was gliding through space, its thrusters emitting low flames, letting it glide slowly and easily. Inside one of its few room was Enness’s bedroom. It had a simple mattress on the floor with a black blanket and white pillow. There was a semi-large wooden dresser directly across from it. Next to it was a small trash bin, containing nothing but broken bullet shells and small food scraps. There was also a fridge about 9/16 the size of a normal fridge, silver, a single door with hinges on the right. Hanging above his bed was his hat and his poncho. Also, there was aStar Fox: Truth

LiteratureMy best joke yet. So this is year 2020. We've had... ...murder hornets ...australia on fire ...coronavirus ...donald trump ...a meteor with a 0.014% chance of wrecking us ...meth crocodiles And we've got people expecting Godzilla and a zombie apocalypse. Looks like the Mayan calendars were wrong on this one. Devious Folder

Necro Gargoyle: Rex JuhllenFairy Tail: Necro Gargoyle

LiteratureDragon Wing: Rise of the Enforcers 1 "Heh heh heh..." A mysterious figure chuckled to himself. He was covered by a black cloak, only, his mouth and chin were visible. "I think a little vengeance is in order..." Another figure came out from the shadows behind the cloaked being. This new figure was only visible as an unfamiliar silhouette. "Master..." It said in a low-pitched voice, "You're not limiting your vengeance to just that one man, are you?" "Of course not. Soon... the entire world will feel my wrath. All will perish... Their spirits will be separated from their bodies... and will fall at my hands..." "Understood, master..." The silhouette turned, looking atTales of the Dragon Wing

LiteratureRoninwald's Malefic ghosts (unfinished) Necro Gargoyle, Dragon Wing's arch-enemy, eventually comes to an end, but they're nothing compared to the real threat. There's this network of a kind of unknown but vile guild that's kind of like a dark guild, but with a broader goal, and with violence on a much grander scale. These are the Malefic guilds, which only seek destruction and extinction. They're mainly in secret, but the unnatural decline in numerous species and even races of humans are caused by the malefic guilds alone. And Unlike the democracy that the dark guilds had with the Barrum alliance, the malefic guilds have more of a monarchy, with the most bloodthirsty andFairy Tail: Roninwald

LiteratureVirashill episode 1Episode 1: Spade Lights of various colored blarred across the starless, dark indigo sky above, the nighttime scene showing through the massive hole in the wooden ceiling. A woman with white skin and blond hair, wearing a dark-blue hood leaned over the boy, whispering to him in a soft, warm voice. “I’m sorry…” She said. ****** The scene became a large room with bright-blue walls, a dark-brown wood dresser, a mirror on the wall, and a few other things. The bright, warm morning light cast through the windows, brushing against the light-colored skin of the room's denizen. Slowly, the boy awoke. The tinteVirashill

LiteratureRap battle: SMG4 Mario vs Kamen Rider Cross-ZYOOOWWWWW!!! WHAT'S UP LADIES AND GENTLE-FLAMES!!! Pyrone here, and I'm ready to bring you the first of my rap battle requests! In the first corner, we have the fat Italian who makes meme fans across YouTube laugh out real loud! From SMG4's universe, we have SMG4's MAAAAAAARIO!!! Mario: "Woo-hoo! It's ya boi, Mario!" And in the second corner we have a professional fighter who will kick your ashes into next week with a dragonic rider kick! He punches down his foes with the strength of a dragon! Also known as Kamen Rider Cross-Z, it's the guy from the Kamen Rider universe, Ryuga Banjou!" Ryuga: "Alright! Let's do this, fat***!" Mario: "KisRequests and commissions

Dragon Wing guild emblemScraps

Digimon RUSH chapter 117 by KoreOfEmAll, literature

Warning: Hacker attack by KoreOfEmAll, literature

CloudRenamon + Fnuzzlee YLYGP Livestream read desc by KoreOfEmAll, literature


The roast of transformers by KoreOfEmAll, literature

UPDATE on digimon rush: Editing focus (new update) by KoreOfEmAll, literature