Inktober2018 Day 21: I am Here by kuraikitsune13 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

kuraikitsune13 on DeviantArt

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kuraikitsune13's avatar

Published: Oct 28, 2018


Mmmmm im super late

Anyway, this was a slot for my oc Raiden and shadamy-sasusaku-luv's oc, Amy.

I love them;;;;

Raiden belongs to :iconkuraikitsune13:

Amy belongs to :iconshadamy-sasusaku-luv:

Only the two of us can use this~!

Image size

972x1454px 115.26 KB

Constructio's avatar

This is so touching and so haunting at the same time, knowing the back story! Damn, I'm seeing all of the chilling art this season!