KuroNeko-Productions - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Travels in the Gray Land

Once, wise men said the Earth was flat, Now they say a sphere But I the traveler have seen A world arranged in tiers. It’s three steps up and three steps down With nothing in between Each step a realm unto itself One Black, one Gray, one Green. The uppermost, the sunlit land Is bright with verdant choir Babbling brooks and rustling reeds Birdsongs in the briar. Down below, the Black Land sleeps Silent and austere Into this reverent quietude All must disappear. The middle tier, a hidden plane, Of neither sun nor shade A misty, lonely everscape Where those like me have strayed. The Gray Land has no native souls All wanderers are we Durationless, directionless Upon this rocky sea. Gnarled trees and shallow caves, the Total of existence Scattered mountains, looming tall, but Always in the distance. For company, a walking stick My friend, my aid, my guide The gravel-dust turns somersaults Beneath our matching stride. We rarely stop, my staff and me, We trek and traipse along For in