Kristian Schulz and Bloodborne by Kurooukami on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:icontotem-horse-ranch: :iconlisqar-equine: :iconvampires-rpg:
Bloodborne - previous card
Kristian Schulz - previous card
Russian translation - here

Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Bloodborne Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Bullet; Red

Full name: Bloodborne
Barn name: Vlad
Breed: Lisqar-Equine crossbreed
Kind: 50% Lisqar (vampire)
Gender: Stallion
Age: 10 years
Height: 1.80mColour: Black (EE aa)
Power: - Toxic (red)

Bullet; Black Bloodline

: (picture here)
------------------------------------------ SSS: Ramondo
----------------- SS: Kuruska
------------------------------------------ SSD: Blaue Tinte
Sire: SargoWar crossbreed
------------------------------------------ SDS: Porcelain (starter)
----------------- SD: JGS Philadelphia
------------------------------------------ SDD: Night Fury (starter)
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: JGS Provence (starter)
------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown
----------------- DD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown

Continued from Ramondo
SSSS: Thunder (starter)
SSSD: MIS Electra

Continued from MIS Electra
SSSDS: MIS Rekrua (starter)
SSSDD: Hassama SH (starter)

Bullet; Black Characteristics: glowing red eyes, translucent red wings, barbed-wire-like crystals on legs, red backstripe, red mane strands, red ears edging.
Bullet; Black Character: A truly "poisonous snake", aggressive with other horses and humans. Very egotistical and proud, ruthless in fight.
Bullet; Black Discipline: not decided yet
Bullet; Black Competitions:
Autumn Knights Tournament - no place
2nd Annual Hanami Festival And Show! - I place (dressage) 2nd Annual Hanami Festival And Show! - II place (halter)2nd Annual Hanami Festival And Show! - III place (liberty)

Bullet; Red Breeding status and rules: Closed Attention! Very aggressive! - Only pureblood Lisqars or vampires;
- Ask first;
- Only random chance to have a vampire foal if other horse isn't a vampire (determine by me);
- Breeding payment - 3 gems per slot (use Gem system rules for more information);
1. Mine for Harlequin (used)
2. For WalkingDeadStables
3. For EsaArts (used)
Bullet; Black Offspring: Memphis

Bullet; Purple Art journal (+ Gem System rules): Bloodborne

Awesome breed by Lunameyza


Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Kristian Schulz Bullet; Red Bullet; Red Bullet; Red

Name: Kristian Schulz
Nationality: German
Age: 40 years (much more in real)
Date of birth: July, 18
Height: 180 cm
Marital status: very busy :D
(in the past - daughter Erica Schulz, children from a previous marriage - twins Emil and Albert (living with mother), wife - Anna, son - Mark)
Status: vampire (turned by Rene De'Trua)
Hair color: black ("raven black")
Eye color: blue
- cybernetic network - "Vizor", allows to detect a living objects at a distance (right eye only);
- combat form - black panther;
- strong blood;
- speed;
- accelerated regeneration;

Characteristics :
- can't be damaged by sunlight or silver;
- can live without day sleeping;
- has "immunity" from some abilities of young vampires;

Character : loving husband, caring father. Can be harsh and straightforward in communication, but also can be truly like a "house cat" with his family. He prefers not to get involved in conflicts, but protects what belongs to him desperately.
He also can make concessions despite of character firmness.

Languages: german (native), russian (almost without accent, but doesn't understand some specific phrases and words till now), english, french (a little).

Some specificities: one scar along his right cheek through the eye and four scars on back, biomechanical prosthesis on his left leg to the knee (now became as part of his body after conversion into a vampire and isn't visible under the skin); cybernetic right eye;

Art journal: Kristian Schulz

New year in Blueberry - II place (dressage)
Summer Cup Blueberry (Results) ! - I place (cross-country)
Annual Dragon Hunt 2014 - Autumn Edition - Winners - III place
Draft horse competitions - I place (dressage)
Draft horse competitions - I place (shrimp fishing)
SpringWood Cup - IV place (dressage)
Western ! - III place (reining)
Spring in Western style - I place (reining)
Spring in Western style - I place (barrel-racing)
Autumn Knights Tournament - no place
2nd Annual Hanami Festival And Show! - I place (dressage)