Transformation by KyriaDori on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. This was too soon and too stressful. It had only been a few short weeks since the infamous dragon who went by the name Midori had flown her from Asres. She was supposed to be her tutor, train her in healing magic and uncover her hidden draconic abilities - things the Princess had thought would take time and rigorous studying.

In actuality, Midori hardly "taught" Shinju anything. Most of the time, all she did was lie around and have the girl run her errands in the woods. It had come by surprise when the aggravating woman had abruptly offered her a chance to actually learn something.

"Wait, what?" Shinju said, mid-stride. "I asked you, if you would like to change today." "I heard you I's not that simple, is it?" "No, it's not. I will surge magic and a draconic signiture into you. If I am right, Tranquility should respond with a very simply transformation. Merely reawakening your ancestry." Shinju was not convinced in the slightest. "Trust me, it's nothing to be worried about..."

Trust was not a word commonly associated with this woman. When the hand outstretched towards her, Shinju should have given more thought before grasping it, but she didn't. First there was nothing but light, blinding the Princess momentarily. After came what would only be described as agonizing pain as her body wrenched and changed from the inside out. Too wrapped up in her fear, she could hardly register the amazing alterations her body was undergoing.

It was only when the pain was gone, and she found herself uneasy on her new stance, that she took a moment to grasp the reality of the situation.

"Hm, not bad. Glad it worked after all..." "You weren't sure?! Do you know how bad that fu-" "Now, now...language Peacemaker." "You're a bitch."


My secret project the last few days, enjoy! There is a first time for everything. Sometimes I think people forget Shinju is actually, for the most part human. Tranquility, her stone, is what gives her the ability to change.

Check out her new design in the bottom panel. I am happy with it, for the moment. I simplified her a lot. She is purple and pink, she didn't need the extra flash.