Fenton's Green Glow by Kyu-Dan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Finally... I finally managed to finish this thing :icondummydannyplz:
you have no idea how many things happened to me in the way of completing this picture :iconfacepalmdannyplz: but here it is... in it's full glory :icondannyphantomcoolplz:
(haha... 'in it's full glory'... that's a good one 🤣)


I'm almost sure that I messed something up here :iconomgdannyfentonplz:


I know... I'm apparently bad at choosing titles for my pictures :icondannyphantomteardrop:
Edit: Title fixed with :iconmimidan:'s help


wow... I just noticed how chaotic my author description is ^^;


Danny Fenton (c) Butch Hartman
Background texture (c) :iconfrostbo: [link]
Art (c) :iconkyuubi-demonfox: