032916 Amethyst Sketch by L-Y-N-S on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I'm thinking about uploading my sketches that I do periodically. It's nice to see my progression as I upload these peices, plus I can share more with my DA watchers :) I've been on a Steven Universe kick lately. Here's my sassy amethyst ;D

Chubby-Chu by L-Y-N-S -> I now have a YOUTUBE where all my speedpainting videos will be! Please sub if you can, I would really appreciate it![Chubby-Chu by L-Y-N-S](https://orig01.deviantart.net/209e/f/2015/110/9/d/chubby_chu_by_meep_and_mushrat-d8qhxrv.gif)


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