Im In Love Beating Heart Stamp by l8 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

⭐⭐⭐:star-half::star-empty: Overall

⭐⭐⭐:star-half::star-empty: Vision

⭐⭐⭐:star-half::star-empty: Originality

⭐⭐⭐:star-half::star-empty: Technique

⭐⭐⭐:star-half::star-empty: Impact

Stacy: All You Need Is Love?

“You know what, John? I am tired. Tired of this stupid relationship. It is not the magical mystery tour you seem to think it is, and I want out.” “Babe, come on… we can work it out. Can’t we?” “No,...

Stacy: Taking

Adriana didn’t like people who took things. Her father had taken her virginity and her childhood. Her mother had taken her ability to trust and her beloved pet cat. Her therapist had taken her time and her money. George had...

Stacy: Nothing Like Love

“Damn, honey, you’re a good kisser,” he breathed, brushing back her platinum blonde hair. They’d only just met, but what the hell, he’d rub one out with her and be home before midnight. ‘Yes, I am,” she said, her crimson...

Stacy: Zen is a Relative Thing

Ichi. God, I wish the screaming in my head would stop. They’re only quiet when there’s blood. Ni. Sixty-eight and counting. Tonight it will be sixty-nine. San. Someone special this time. Someone young. Shi. The newly moved-in neighbors have a...

Stacy: Crazy Love

Her hands shook slightly as she punched in the numbers. 9 for the number of times he cheated on her. 0 for the number of times he apologized. 4 for the number of times she’d been suspended for botched jobs....

Stacy: Til Death Do Us Part

“Poison?? You mean like that really bad 80s perfume?” “No, love, real poison…specifically fugu, the Japanese blowfish. You just ate it.” “I did? Oh, that nasty raw fish appetizer. I wondered why you suddenly wanted to have sushi, after all...

Stacy: Vacation

Lost. Goddamned Yellowstone tour guide. We should have checked his ID, or something…do you have to be licensed to be a guide? We’d have been ok if stupid Steven hadn’t gotten scalded by that geyser. What kind of idiot thinks...

Stacy: Under the Weather

He stormed into the house, threw his briefcase at the expensive flower arrangement in the foyer, and stomped upstairs to their bedroom. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out?!” he exploded, fists clenched in an attempt control himself. She sat...

Stacy: Sacrifice

Flames. Was the room really on fire? She blinked sleepy eyes at the orange light dancing on the ceiling. John. Where... His face swam into view above her. "Thank the gods," she said, "I thought..." She stopped at the look...

Stacy: Self Aware

"Tense? Why am I tense?" "Yeah. You've been making me nuts all day, what's wrong with you?" "Hm. Let's see. Why could I be tense? Could it be...and I'm just spitballing here...that you're FUCKING MY BROTHER??!?!" "There's no need to...

Stacy: Do Me A Favor

"I'm sorry," he said, without feeling. She fought against the tears, determined not to let him see her broken, destroyed. She looked at him, really looked at him, as she hadn't done in years. And she saw how he'd subtly...

Stacy: Flameout

Ingredients...sugar, anise, lard...millet? What the fuck is millet? Who puts lard in a frigging breakfast cereal? Anise is fucking poison, isn't it? Christ, these R&D boys are trying to get me fired, that's what it is. They're still pissed over...

Stacy: Trapped

"Give it back!" she screamed. Had been screaming forever. Would scream until she died. A hollow laugh floated down the corridor, she turned swiftly towards the noise, but it was gone. She ran blindly down the halls, turning sometimes left,...

Stacy: It's Over

Their battle carried them down to the beach. Another beautiful sunset wasted. He called her a whore. She called him weak. He spat in her face, she slapped him across his. Overhead the sea birds turned, catching the evening insects....

Stacy: Misery, Loss, Secrets

She sobbed uncontrollably, feeling as if her heart was tearing from her body. They lowered the casket into the ground and she tore herself from their grasp, sprawling at the side of the grave, tears falling in time with the...

Stacy: Anyone But You

I flip through the CDs, looking for something to fill the quiet. Ahh, Donkey...great band, lounge lizards with a fat horn section. The music starts and I remember that summer. Nights at dive bars, great music...Donkey, Dash Rip Rock, even...

Stacy: The End

"How dare you judge me," she hissed, her beautiful face streaked with tears. "You don't know what it's like to be lonely. You don't have any goddamned feelings!!" His shoulders hunched at her words, and he continued to pack the...

Stacy: Fall

Arms pinwheeling, mouth agape, the wind whistling in her ears. Every night she falls. Every night she wakes in a cold sweat, gasping for breath. Her therapist says it’s unresolved anxiety. $300 please. At least he doesn’t blame it on...

Stacy: Love Hurts

He stared at the picture for a moment, lost in memories of that summer. Trips to the coast, intimate dinners, wild and heartrending sex. He thought she'd be there forever, she apparently had other ideas. He placed the photo and...

Stacy: Waiting

She was ten when she was dragged from her home, screaming, kicking, biting. Her father's merciless hands clamped on her shoulders, holding her still as the preacher mouthed the words, meaningless to her, that bound her to the awful old...

Stacy: Smile

"Come on, honey, smile for the camera." She scuffed her feet in the dirt, looked down, didn't feel like smiling. "Come on," he said again, in that disgusting wheedling voice he always used. The one that made her want to...

Stacy - Entrepreneurs

"Three hundred thousand for that?" she squeaked. He sighed, sweaty from the afternoon sun, tired of trying to convince her. Did she want to be stuck in an office job her entire life, punching a clock, working towards someone else's...

Stacy : Dysfunction

"Your shadow's in the shot," she said. He shoved his hands deeper in his pockets, moved silently to the left. She glared at him then turned back to the camera. He eyed her surreptitiously, wishing they'd hurry the hell up...