Food and Family by Lady-Quantum on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

March 17, 2016 3:46pm Angel Falls, Florida, West End Area. Residence of Dr. Terressa R. Martin and Kara Nelson.

The kitchen gleamed as she entered, padding on bare feet into the newly built room. It smelled of wood, plaster, metal, and a dozen other things that all blended together for that "NEW" smell, and Terry grinned as she looked around at the pots hanging from the walls, and the dishes neatly lined in their cubby holes. THIS was what a kitchen should look like, she had decided when the interior decorator had asked about how she and Kara wanted their new home done, and the kitchen had been left up to Terry, since Kara was out of town so much. She'd gone with a kind of antique modern feel for it. All the modern conveniences, but with the look of something from maybe her Grandmother's kitchen. It actually turned out very well, what with the white beveled wood, and the cute knobs on the doors, and of course the various instruments of destruction decorating the countertops and walls. It made it cozy, and reminded her of her family in Texas.

Speaking of family in Texas, that was how she learned to cook. Her Grandmother taught her first how to cook big country breakfasts for the whole clan. Eggs gotten fresh from the chickens down the hill in the coup, cooked up fried or scrambled depending on how the person wanted it that day. Bacon and sausage from the pigs that were slaughtered last season. Fresh hashbrowns from potatoes in the garden out back, shredded and fried up to a golden brown, with a hint of butter on top. Biscuits made from flour that was bought from the nearby mill, and hand neaded. They were alway so much more fluffy than the store-bought ones. And what meal could be complete without gravy? Lots and lots of gravy.

She learned to cook for an army, practically, because the whole family would spend every Sunday together, rain or shine. Church and food was almost the Martin family motto in some ways, and it was something that seemed to keep ties to even distant family. People she'd never known before would show up for Sunday Church and Dinner, and she'd find out that they were family from states away. Meeting them was very neat, because it always brought stories of far off places that she never thought she'd visit. Some were even semi-famous, and that gave her some ambition to work hard and become something great that her family could be proud of.

Terry felt tears spring to her eyes as she remembered the day that she went home for the first time and showed her parents, and the rest of her family, her new, altered form. There was awe on their faces, disbelief, frowns and non-understanding. Her Dad wanted to know where his baby girl had gone, and it was hard to explain that she was still standing in front of him when she was so much bigger than she used to be. Her Mom just cried, and rocked on the couch hugging one of Terressa's old baby blankets. Her Uncle Tony threatened to call the Police, calling her an Alien that must have killed Terressa and stolen her body like something like out of a bad movie. It really was a horrible experience, but the only thing that got her through it, was food.

She'd stopped talking, and begun crying. Through all the threats, and crying and rocking and wondering who and if she really was who she said she was, she got up, and walked into her Nanny and Papa's old kitchen, and began to cook. After a bit, the other members of the family stopped their ranting and debating, and came to see what she was doing, smelling the delicious food being cooked up only a room away. They watched her navigate the kitchen like she'd been born in it, knowing where every pot, pan, and item was, and belonged, and cooking in the same old traditional ways that they'd been used to all those years. At last, her Nanny, at 74 years old, slowly made her way into the kitchen to stand next to her, and give her a gentle hug around her waist. "Welcome home, my Angel." was all she said, smiling up at the larger Terressa, who burst into tears, kneeled down and wrapped her Nanny in a hug. Apparently Nanny's acceptance was all the validation the rest of the family needed, because then they filed into the kitchen to give the changed Terressa hugs, kisses, and welcomes.

She was able to come home, and it started in a kitchen, because of food. Well that and the kindness and wisdom of her Nanny, but the food did give her a hint, right?

Terressa smiled thinking of her Nanny and Papa. She'd have to visit their graves when she went back to Texas next time she could. Hopefully on a Sunday.


This little piece came about because of my oldest daughter talking to me about how she specifically likes the way I make eggs, and remembering HOW I learned to do that. All those Sundays spent with my Grandparents on their farm were some of the best times of my life. They taught me a lot. Not just about cooking, but about things on the farm, growing things, raising animals, and living life simply. I'm not going to say that I completely follow their path, but their teachings stay with me, and I can definately cook for my family. :D

Lady Quantum aka Dr. Terressa R. Martin and her family are care of yours truly :iconlady-quantum: and can only be used with my express permission. She can usually be found patroling the skies and streets of :iconangel-fallsda: in the :iconangelfalls-westend: district.