Goku by Lalilulelo2003 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Lalilulelo2003 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lalilulelo2003/art/Goku-54890610Lalilulelo2003

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Published: May 8, 2007


In a rare move I went back to an old piece and tweaked it. Tired of people bitching about the face. And with time gone by, I can see how to easily improve it. So, here's the updated version.

Also the blue eye in the background wasn't as strong as I wanted it to be so that's out.

Image size

769x497px 449.23 KB

I dunno love the pose lighting colours pretty much you've nailed everything except for his face. :P sorry man you haven't captured the character there. That being said this is the best done attempt at realism i've seen so far on DA showing what a hard job turning anime believable can be..