The Outing - HP by LamechO on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Sorry, it couldn't be helped.

So, as everyone and their mother now knows, Dumbledore has been outed. No big deal since the books are out and it doesn't change the story one bit. Well, except now you know why he followed Grindelwald.

Okay, not really. Grindelwald was a schmuck bigot. Dumbledore should have known better. But then I guess, Dumbledore was into the bad boy type.

Anyway, what I found most amusing about Dumbledore's outing was how many fans were outrage that Sirius and Remus weren't outed as well. I mean, really ticked off at Rowling.

If the boys aren't gay, the boys aren't gay. Personally, I never thought of them as anything else but straight. Well, Remus is leaning towards asexual because of his "lunar condition". Still, it didn't stop me from making a joke about it.

Plus, I love any excuse to draw a young pretty boy Sirius in a ponytail. He's one of the few people who can pull it off without looking like an idiot. (Thanks to Gary Oldman for this style by way of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead".) I put him in robes here. Just wanted to see how he would appear. I prefer his leather jacket.

The best part of the comic for me is Snape's smirk.

EDIT: Wow. Thanks to all those who took a moment to read my silly, little comic. Thanks even more to those who took another moment to comment or fav. I never thought this would explode like this. Honestly.

This, of course, leads to the next question, where are you guys coming from? Are all of you from deviantart accounts or did you find this comic from somewhere else? I am just really curious. Really, really curious. Like searching on google and I am still left puzzled curious.

Oh, and the more I think about it, the more I think Dumbledore reminds me of Stephen Fry. Smart, witty, a bit eccentric and out of the closet but doesn't have a need to wear his sexuality like a badge. I know that Rowling adores Stephen Fry and I wonder if she thought of him while writing Dumbledore. And if she did, then, I love Dumbledore all the more.