Daughter of the Snow Queen - Massak by leavesofthree on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Okay I promise this is the last one. I swear. Anddddd transparency messed up my signature. -_-

BTW Massak doesn't have a surname because looking up Inuit culture and such gave me info that Inuits back then didn't have surnames. Nowadays Greenlandic Inuits have Scandinavian surnames and Alaskan Inuits needed to get surnames in the forties due to something or other, but since this is Past-Land, felt she didn't need a last name. Just getting it out of the way.

Daughter of the Snow Queen
Alliance: Royal
Roommate: Hala Amir
Secret Heart's Desire: I don't want to be lonely. I want to be around my family and friends and animals. I look forward to being the Snow Queen, but are ten years of solitude worth the title?
My "Magic" Touch: I have ice powers. I can make a skating rink with the snap of my fingers and freeze over a flower with a single breath.
Storybook Romance Status: Klara Spiegel is my girlfriend to the end. She keeps me warm even on my coldest nights. <3
"Oh Curses!" Moment: I'm always, always cold. I have to have multiple layers to even function without shivering. I can't use my ice powers without getting frostbite unless I'm careful.
Favorite Subject: Grimmnastics. Running around, even in all my layers, gets my blood pumping!
Least Favorite Subject: Magicology... or maybe Math? I hate using my powers in Magicology since they make me so cold and Math is always so quiet.
Best Friends Forever After: Hildegarde Olhouser, Klara Spiegel, and Hyacinth Flowers

Massak is destined to be the next Snow Queen, Empress of Ice, Prime Minister of Precipitation, and to be honest, she thinks it's kind of neat. Following in Mom's footsteps is something she's looking forward to, alongside not being so cold all the damn time (seriously three layers at least or she's shivering like a leaf). Plus more ice power, control over swarms of snow-bees, a massive ice palace to explore. It's everything a girl could want, right?
Welllllll Massak is a people person. She loves being around people, hearing the voices and laughter of her fellow students, friends, and family. Ever since birth she's been surrounded by people with her big family and being all alone for ten years (?) save for someone she imprisoned (despite her being her girlfriend) is torture. Thus, with that in mind, Massak is determined to spend as much time with her family and friends possible before her story, maybe even finding a way around it.

Massak is very emotional. As in "OH MY GOODNESS IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU OH NO YOU HURT YOUR LEG I'M SO SORRY BUT YOU HAVE A CUTE BANDAGE ON IT BUT IT MUST HAVE HURT WHEN YOU FELL DID IT HURT DOES IT HURT NOW OH NO YOU'RE IN PAIN WHAT CAN I DO WAIT I CAN'T DO ANYTHING AGHHHHHH". Sensitive, kind, and friendly, Massak is everything opposite of what you'd imagine a queen of ice and snow to be. Of course, that isn't bad but being around friends and family and loving life and having fun is so much better than being distant or stand-offish.

Massak lives in a big cabin just outside her town (I don't know how towns work in this universe to be honest) and often does errands with her aunt and father to get out among people. They live near the woods and sea to hunt, providing food for various restaurants and hide for clothing makers, tanners, cobblers, etc. Selling fish, elk, rabbit, or whatever they catch to butchers and pubs with her father, showing off deer hides and seal skin to shoemakers and tailors with her aunt, and just running errands around the town and interacting with people in general makes her happy as a lark.
She lives with her father (Iluliaq), paternal aunt (Iluq), son-of-paternal-aunt-but-has-been-living-with-Massak's-family-forever-so-he's-like-her-older-brother (Nukilik), older sister (Qannik), paternal grandmother (Saghani), and paternal grandfather (Kattituyok). Massak's mother (Siku) kind of disappeared when Massak was eight and she sometimes gets postcards from the places Siku's visited. Massak's family has theorized being cooped up her entire life has given her a desire to see the world and Siku's personality and lack of social skills left her running around the world without so much as a mirror call. It's just a theory.

I did extensive research on Greenlandic Inuit clothing. Massak is wearing an undershirt, a shirt, a sweater, stockings, pants, a parka made of dyed polar bear skin and lined with its fur, a tuilli made of reindeer hide and lined with its fur, fingerless gloves, mittens, and a hooded shawl and kamiks of the same material as the parka. The blue and white clothes are for her mother and her fate as the next Snow Queen. The brown and floral clothes are for her family and ties to her friends and current life. The mittens are brown and blue, symbolizing a connection between the two. I wish you guys could see the drawing in person; the polar bear fur is so glittery.

PS: Massak's name means "soft snow". "Siku" means "ice". Hope I did okay with the Inuit clothing style and names and everything.

Massak, Hildegarde Olhouser, and Hala Amir belong to me
Klara Spiegel and Hyacinth Flowers belong to Swagamemnon
Ever After High belongs to Mattel