Creature Compilation Round 8 by legendguard on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Guess who likes making Creature Comps? *Double thumb gestures towards self*

So hey guys, happy 2021! Made it through the dreaded 2020, that was a ride and a half, wasnnit? Course I missed my yearly journal update, so now the pattern of my journals is broken... Given the circumstances though I guess it isn't that surprising. I am currently working on another update though, mostly regarding updates to my projects and goals for the future of my page/gallery, along with a 2020 brief summary. Also a critique of Eclipse. I know it won't do much, but I do have a few things I'd like to say about it. More so than just "thanks, I hate it" (although that sentiment is definitely true). In the meantime I'll try to pick away at my, starting with another CC. I was hoping to have at least one more non-Comp thing between this and the last Comp, but hey, progress is progress. I do hope to have all the Comps up by the end of the year, and would really like to empty my, but lets be real scheduling isn't exactly my thing :/

F = Fakemon, P = Pterraforming, L = Lucid, R = Requests or fan art (Mostly fan art, F was already taken), T = Terraria

1: [Fan art, possibly Lucid] HewyToonmore's interpretation of the boogeyman, inspired by a dream he had. It's supposed to be solid black, but since that wouldn't quite fit in with the rest of the comp I decided to not fill it in. This interpretation is meant to be a solid black shadow with only it's rows of white shark-like teeth and glowing red pinprick eyes visible. You can read more about his boogeyman here:…

2: [Lucid] A paper pigeon carrier, an item that can come to life in Lucid. In dreams, the lines between animate and inanimate can blur quite a bit, to the point where literally anything can "come to life" so to speak. In Lucid this is most predominately seen in the hostile "Poleecers" (which ironically have absolutely nothing to do with police or law enforcement), living vehicles that threaten the player in all three tiers of the game. However, literally any object can come to life depending on the conditions, from simple pieces of discarded plastic wrapping, to toys, books, furniture, plants, trees, and even large structures such as rooms or buildings. Paper pigeon carriers are no exception. Made literally from folded paper, they fly around and behave much like a living dove or pigeon. Depending on a players lucidity, they can be captured and "resized" to hold items for the payer, such as notebooks or pencils. They aren't affected by weight, so players can store any item without the paper bird loosing its ability to fly. This can be useful to hide certain objects from enemies or other obstacles.

3: [Fakemon] Snandy, a remake of my old fakemon Snapack. Snapack is a snail pokemon based on the highly variable grove snail, and as such would come with a variety of random colors (Similar to this). The pattern would start with the base shell color, which can be yellow, pink, peach, orange, light green, brown, brown purple, brown pink, creme, white, or very pale yellow (or a gradient of the colors). After that would be the stripes, which can be tan, reddish brown, brown, dark brown, and black. Snapack can have anywhere between 0-5 stripes, and they can vary between very thin to very thick. Shinies would be much more colorful, being based off the colors of the elusive Cuban painted snail. Snapacks can be found in forests, wetlands, and dune habitats and can be fairly common to uncommon. Unfortunately I deleted the original image from my gallery some time ago, but you can see the original image here:

4: [Fan art] Its-Seal-Time's character Merle, a major villain for one of her main projects. Merle is a member of a bipedal humanoid canid species called a desert dogman, which are adapted to dry, desert like environments. Their claws are modified for digging through tough soil and rock, and members of the species use them to dig complex underground tunnels in which they live. While most desert dogmen are actually decent people, very similar in culture to that of human desert-dwelling Native American societies, Merle is an outcast, kicked out by his family for his sociopathic and violent behavior. In his exile he built an empire with his sister, whom together formed a mafia-like army of criminals, outcasts, and his own children. While normally I post a link to more information with the drawings of other's people's characters, in this case the image I was going to link got deleted, so as soon as a new one gets posted I'll update with a link.

5: [Lucid + Pterraforming] The mudwyrm, a nearly legless salamander that can be found in mud and muck of ponds and rivers. Convergently very similar to the tropical lungfish, mudwyrms can go completely dormant during dry spells, then "revive" when moisture is reintroduced. During dry spells they bury themselves deep in the mud they inhabit, and can actually dry out without dying. When awake, they snake their way through muck looking for aquatic invertebrates in which to eat. Because of their lifestyle, their eyes and legs are mostly vestigial, and instead they move through side to side movements of their tails and body. They are especially common in marshes and rivers surrounding the great lakes basin, using the many vernal pools and temporary swamps to breed and feed. Mudwyrms can either be clay colored, tan, brown, grey, or black, and seem to be capable of somewhat changing color depending on the surrounding mud's color.

6: [Pterraforming] A male Great Lakes ptotter, a "living fossil" inhabiting the great lakes basin of Pterreath's North America. Ptotters are a great example of a transitional species, thought to be a holdover from the original ancestors of the Pteroseals, Pterowhales, and Molewings. It is believed they have survived to the modern day due to their ability to travel to inland lakes and rivers, along with their ability to travel on land, something the fully aquatic Pterosapians can't do. Thus, they have been able to maintain a niche of their own, even as some of their descendants began to take on a more and more aquatic lifestyle. Great Lakes ptotters are a particularly large species that spend most of their lives in the cold waters of lakes, able to dive extremely deep in search of large fish like sturgeon and lake trout. Thick pychnofibers and a layer of blubber help keep them warm in the depths, and red eyes help them to see in the dark waters. In winter, individuals maintain breathing holes like that of mammalian seals, using their tough beaks to periodically chisel away at the ice to keep their holes from freezing over. It is important to note that zebra muscles and lamprey have not been introduced into the lakes like that of human dominated Earth, so ptotters haven't had to suffer the same environmental damage as animals said world have had to endure.

7: [Lucid + Pterraforming] The oriowarbler, a species of new world [or wood] warbler only found on Pterrearth. Interestingly the development of birds seems to be nearly identical to that of mammal dominated Earths, resulting in many of the same bird families being found on Pterrearth. Why this is isn't fully understood, but it is theorized that the small size and flight ability of the bird ancestors allowed them to develop the same niches as their mammalian world counterparts, leaving their overall evolution largely unaffected. However, some differences still remain. One such difference seems to be a greater degree of speciation of bird families on Pterrearth, especially in North America, resulting in many more species being found than that of its mammalian dominated counterparts. The oriowarbler is one such species. A close relative of the American redstart, oriowarblers can be differentiated by their larger patches of orange, more prominent eye rings, and their longer, more sickle shaped bills. The species seem to be caterpillar specialists, and will flit busily between branches searching for them, using their long beaks to reach into tight spaces during their search.

8: [Lucid] The Square Blue Cow, name shortened to SBC or Bluie and, despite his shape, has nothing to do with Minecraft (actually dreamed about him several years before Minecraft was released). Bluie is a Tier 2 friendly character that is first encountered during a specific dream arc, and can be re-encountered rarely during the rest of Tier 2. They are part of a group of "shape animals" that can be found at a prison like "daycare" area during said event. Like the player, Bluie and the other residents of the daycare want to escape to freedom, and will help the player try to break out. The event takes place during a period of the game where dreams are far more surrealist and odd, so many strange things can be encountered during the event, including a hedge maze the player must enter to harvest vehicle-sized watermelons for the daycare leader, flying Ritz crackers and cracker accessories (cheese, salami, peperoni, etc), a spinning red metal sculpture with fish-shaped metal plates, and so on. Bluie himself is timid and somewhat dull, but can be quite loyal to his friends, and will put on a brave face to try and help them when they need him.

9: [Fakemon] Razorcoon, one of the first fakemon I ever created. Razorcoon is based off of a mock-orange seed pod/flower of all things, back when I would turn any old plant based thing I could find into a new Pokemon. This included fakemon like "Pussew" (yew cone), "Mapleed" (sugar maple seed), "Cobritter" (dead black walnut leaflet), Needlash (malformed Japanese barberry branch), and, of course, Razorcoon. Razorcoon are the basic form of Alacoon and the pre-evolution of Leathra, whith the whole line being notable for not resembling each other much. This of course goes back to their original conception, with Leathra being based on a mock orange leaf picked off the same tree, and Alacoon being a stripped norway maple leaf with three veins on either side (with some of the webbing) retained for "arms" and four mock orange leaves placed at the base of the stem for "wings". Razorcoon themselves are quite timid fakemon, preferring to live in groups for protection. They are capable of floating through the air, albeit slowly, and are often accompanied by Leathras. Their hard shell also offers protection, and the leaves at the base of their shell are razor sharp, which can be used offensively.
You can see one of the original designs here:…

10: [Lucid] A red paperbird, an event creature that will rarely appear in Tier 2 and 3 of Lucid. Unrelated to the paper pigeon carriers, RPBs are strange creatures that appear to be made of red construction paper and only appear on a designated "Paper Bird" day, during which residents who celebrate the day leave their garages open and empty for the paperbirds to rest in. Apparently it is believed to bring luck for the rest of the year if one or more birds stay in the garage. Paper bird day happens in the spring, apparently during a paperbird migration event. Even during the event, paperbirds are fairly rare, so the player isn't likely to encounter large amounts of them. Paperbirds flutter around erratically, acting more like a wounded butterfly in the air than a bird. The player first encounters them in Tier 2 during a Paper Bird day event. Of course, since time doesn't act correctly during dreams, this event can happen at any point, and doesn't need a certain amount of time to pass for it to happen again. During the event, the player can decide to either ignore the birds, help protect them from outside attacker, gather them to give to other NPCs, or observe them to try and figure them out. Paper birds are weak to the rain, and so will try to find dry areas to hide during rain storms.

11: [Lucid + Pterraforming] Hammerhead goblin shark, a deep sea species of shark closely related to the typical goblin shark. With an even more strange appearance than its cousin, hammerhead goblin sharks are notable for the hammer shaped crest above the eyes and the many protrusions running along the length of their body. These bumps seem to contain extra electro-sensors, acting as extra surface area for these nerves to work, heightening the shark's ability to see other creatures electrical impulses. In the deep sea where these sharks live, this can essentially allow the sharks to "see in the dark", rendering light based sight obsolete and giving them a huge advantage hunting in the crushing depths. Not much about their habits are known due to the depths at which they live, although rare camera footage has shown groups of three to four individuals swimming together, suggesting the possibility of being somewhat social in nature.

So which are your favorites? I'd love to hear! Let me know in the comments and maybe why you like them (or not, ya'll don't have to do anything if you don't want to).


CC Part one: Creature Compilation Round 1
CC Part two: Creature Compilation Round 2
CC Part three: Creature Compilation Round 3
CC Part four: Creature Compilation Round 4
CC Part five: Creature Compilation Round 5
CC Part six: Creature Compilation Round 6
CC Part seven: Creature Compilation Round 7
CC Part nine: Creature Compilation Round 9
CC Part ten: Creature Compilation Round 10
CC Part eleven: Creature Compilation Round 11
CC Part twelve: Creature Compilation Round 12

All current Pterraforming info and pictures can be found here in the Pterraforming folder of my gallery. You can also find it under #pterraforming #pteranosimian and #homopteranus

As always, critique/corrections are highly welcome. Don't feel afraid to correct me on any of my science-y stuff. Please feel free to indulge in the scientific jargon that is speculative biology with me!