Arthfael by leiyue on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Giftie for morArthfael

Okay, this literally took me 2 hours. I sketched 3 versions of this (that look totally different from this final version) before I finally decided to just go with this one, even though I'm not all that happy with it. I do like one of the other versions more, but I had already scribbled all over that one when I thought I could make a better one (by scribbled I mean I shaded and finished it very messily for fun). Sooo I'm going to redraw that one and hopefully I'll be more happy with it xD

And then when I did the texturing, I erased stuff instead of using a layer mask.. which.. didn't end well.. ended up having to redo a lot of parts :'(

Originally this guy was supposed to be like mid-air jump floating gracefully lol, but it looks like he's walking.. but the feet don't make any sense if he's walking so adhkjh. Tried to change this to a vertical composition too to give a better in mid-air feel, but that didn't work out well (because my photoshopping skills are bad) and ended up just eating like 20 more minutes LOL

But this was a lot of fun to do (epictastical pretty floof butt this guy is) :) I miss sketching traditionally.. need to doodle more in class LOL

ANYWHO, 'nuff rambling, hope you like it :D

Character (Arthfael) belongs to morArthfael

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