Smoke Amusement by Lelixiana on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Lelixiana's avatar



Published: Jun 13, 2016



6th Eye Project

I started drawing this one with the title Silver Sadness (due to personal occurences in life) in mind, but as always, you can't predict the progress of your creations, they live their own life. I tried to use colorless tones - and failed :D. I can't help but always add more colors... And so the look in the eye reminds me of an amusement of a person who seldom smiles, keeping poker face all the time - it's furtive, fresh and magic as a smoke dancing in the wind ;).

Emerald Melancholy by Lelixiana Golden Wisdom by LelixianaNavy Hope by LelixianaPine Serenity by LelixianaCrimson Scare by Lelixiana
1st Emerald Melancholy ..... 2nd Golden Wisdom ..... 3rd Navy Hope ..... 4th Pine Serenity ...... 5th Crimson Scare

Image size

2694x1889px 3.03 MB

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