A possible nuzlocke comic preview by Leptocyon on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

If you want to know what's going on you will need to read the description. I know it's humongous but I can't explain everything in short lines. :(
I'm sorry.

Uhm, remember this drawing? Well, if don't first read what says in its description and then come back here. :S


Have you read it? Well, this "young lady" hasn't stopped to preoccupy my minds since then. On contrary, her story was just developing and developing and in last two-three weeks it's just blooming. Yes, it is another comic based on Nuzlocke run but run for this one still isn't over (I'm training for fifth gym) and even with that I'm not sure if it'll be based on Platinum. The thing is... I have received a wonderful notes from one wonderful person in which she was sharing an idea for her future project and it has a similar and again not so similar... hm, how should I put this... we have the same idea for something original like this but plots, developments and worlds are completely different. I had this idea in my mind before you sent me that note, dear person (she knows who she is) and I assure you, I took absolutely nothing from all you shared with me. And there is one more person who plans to make a collab nuzlocke that follows the same idea (but again, it has nothing else in common) and I must say again, this idea occurred to me unrelated to that and I was developing it (and I still do) completely alone and without using anything from your idea. What bugs me about all this... this nuzlockes could look pretty similar and all of us have a plan to make it based on Platinum runs. Regardless to the fact that they ARE completely different they could look the same on the first sight and even more, if they are all based on the same game. But I want to play it with Platinum, that was the first PKMN game I ever played, I don't see many gen IV nuzlocke comics and I'm especially bonded with my starter in this game (not to mention how cool team I currently have, it's almost like I'm not playing a nuzlocke challenge 0.0 ). But, I see a lot of people preparing Platinum nuzlockes and that bugs me. Who knows if they will come to life but still. Why not other games? Any other games that can be turned into comic are BW or BW2 but... I'm tied with a plot... there will be a lot of it (and when I say "a lot" I mean it. More than in MOH... much more than in MOH @.@)... and the only type of starter that comes out of the question doesn't fit in gen IV (not to mention a lot of other things which I won't list here since this description will turn into a novel. 0.0

"Monsters of Hoenn" is dead. I'm terribly sorry but that's the fact. I saw that coming a long ago but somehow I kept struggling and finding a way to improve it but with such a bad start it was doomed to collapse.
Reasons (there are many, here are some major ones):
- I started this comic too early, I had no previous experience in making "real" comics (if we ignore all those comics that children draw in notebooks) and I didn't do my homework when I was starting MOH. I had planned some major plot elements, the end and how I want my characters look like... nothing more. Their personalities wasn't fully shaped, I had some personality growth in plan but nothing precisely (like when and how are they flow) and it was just a stupid little comic without good foundations. Everything was okay until I started to read tutorials, advises and some really high quality comics. I started to see how I rushed... I started to see everything that wasn't good with my little comic -->
- I went to read whole from the start and I was shocked how horrible it was written (wall of text on each page... wall of something that shouldn't be so represented in a comic). I barely made it to the end and if I were a reader who just run into it I would stop reading it somewhere at the half. :S It's exhausting to read it and it shouldn't be. There are so many holes in plot that it's horrible. And not to mention art. I could start drawing MOH in this preview's style but that horrible quality would stand there for eternity and distract people from continuing. And that is true.
- That Emerald run was something like third run in my Pokemon career and I still wasn't a good at playing it. Which means, I didn't use TMs (since I had no idea how they actually work). Just to picture it to you, I challenged E4 with Electrode whose moveset was: sonic boom, explosion, spark and something what I don't remember (notebook where I have all that written is not here with me but I assure that it was something horrible and usefulness). -.- Yeah, it was that bad. How realistic would that look in a comic. My only strategy was to over level my team and that's how I finished that game (and I had very few losses too)
- Honestly, I completely lost my motivation after this. Joy of making this comic has gone and it would be a torture to continue
-All things considered, I had to pass through this and grow with it. I work like that. First dog I ever had (I still have him) didn't turn out to be the best example of how a good and well trained dog should look like, but now I see what we did wrong and I'll know for the future. It's like that with everything else. I have to burn food to see where I did wrong. No cooking books will help me if I don't mess up. And guess what - every next time that meal is prepared better and better and tastes better and better. :) Good sign.
(I will probably upload that last part which is almost done but I haven't been properly working on it for ages and than I'll explain everything even better. If you want I will post all major plot elements I had on mind in short lines. But only if you say so.)

Will this comic ever come to a life? I don't know. I had this preview sketched on a paper for quite long time and I decided to end MOH's story with it. I am currently planning everything. I'm creating all characters from top to bottom, with all their flaws, personality issues, personal growth, their relationships and everything. I have more job than I would usually have since this won't be usual nuzlocke that follows the game. I'll have to adjust all gym leaders, E4 and all major events from the game since this story will (I stress, if!) take place in a completely new world with completely new rules. It's not based on medieval ages, it's more like a RPG based but not completely (only characters' designs and politic of that world). There won't be gyms nor E4, nor champion, everything will be twisted out but it'll keep the spirit of Pokemon. Our heroine won't be the typical heroine and her motivations won't be usual. :/ The world of Pokemon where this takes place has very little in common with the colorful world of Pokemon we all know. With all that on mind it will pass at least a month before I even decide if I'll bring this project to life or not. I must see the final product, whole plot and see how much free time I will have with my faculty to even start this. I won't repeat the same mistake. I will publish sketches of characters' designs on my tumblr as I proceed with them and I will probably write their role in the story (or maybe not, I have yet to discuss this with myself).
This won't be a humorous comic. I'm not a funny person (well, most of the time) and my jokes are bad. But I tend to think a lot. This was a product of it... and it will carry a lot of philosophical questions that can bother a young person or anyone who thinks about life. :( I wish some of my possible reader will go through catharsis I went through when I was learning and thinking about things that will be featured in this comic. If.
Planned style for this comic: check the style of a preview. Yes, you read right. I did this page completely without traditionally drawn lines, I just roughly sketched position of objects on panels. That's something new for me. Really. And it was actually less exhausting than drawing by hands and then going above all lines again digitally. I have yet to decide with myself should I draw it in colors or in grey tones but you have a general idea. I just can't do this in such a low quality like MOH, if nothing, that will keep me interested to actually work on this thing.

Look back at the picture. Isn't that the best ending line for a preview/prologue or what!?!?!? You all who look beyond first meaning will see it.

I probably forgot to add something. Lucky you. huh XD