Creepy Pasta OC - Ravenous by LethalAuroraMage on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Hey heyy, a while ago I had this urge to try and make an edgy teen creepy pasta OC because there are so many of them, why not throw one more body into the pile? :,D
Don't take this OC too seriously? Like... he's not meant to be an intentionally bad mary sue or anything, but I mostly made him because I wanted a murderer creepy pasta teen of my very own, that's about it. :,3c
Feel free to critique and stuff, always open to those, just keep the above info in mind.
Also, someone warned me he might get shipped with other creepy pasta characters and although I HIIIGHHLYYY doubt that will EVER happen, if people DO wanna ship him with anyone, can we make it slenderman? No reason, I just like slenderman. xD Shove one more gayboi to that creature's harem of edgy gaybois in that creepy pasta mansion he totally owns, sure he won't mind. =u= )b

Anyway, stupid stuff aside, here's some info and backstory on him. (I might attempt to write an actual creepy pasta on him sometime, haha... I am bad at writing creepy pastas, though, so don't expect anything good;; )
Oh, and... a pretty obvious 'no duhh' warning?? Death and demons ahead. :u read at your own risk.

Used to be:
Name: Ray Veno
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Orientation: Homosexual.

Backstory & Other info:

Ray wasn't anyone special, though he liked to believe himself to be, as most people do. He took an interest in dark, taboo and macabre topics, often adorning himself with symbols of the occult and demonic sigils. Although that made him feel special and unique and people online thought him to be pretty cool for it (the ones he was friends with, anyway), it didn't translate well in real life.
Ray got picked on for being weird, but he was willing to deal with the mild teasing and nicknames, as he knew that 'normal' people would never understand him.
As you might tell, Ray was a little stuck up about his interests and although they were important to him, he wore them like a fashion statement more than treated it as a genuine interest or belief as a way of life. In short, it was like a trend to him, a faze he was going through, if you will.
People who'd tease him would often ask about certain things he wore or how to summon demons and such, and although Ray was eager to answer, he'd soon realize that people were just teasing him, at which point he would say he'll put a curse on them one of these days. He got laughed at for that, of course.

One day a few guys and girls were throwing a party to celebrate the beginning of a school break and they thought it would be funny to invite that weirdo dude Ray, mostly to make fun of him. At first some just thought it would be amusing to get him drunk and laugh at it, or maybe to get him to tell one of his weirdo stories, but a few members of the group had an idea that would take it too far... so of course they went with that;

Deciding to give Ray a good scare, a few of the guys caught Ray after school, blindfolded him, tied his arms behind his back and threw him in an old, discarded locker (that the guy that owned the truck they rode in had, for some reason). Without being told what was going on, Ray got transported to the woods, where the teens were throwing the party.
At first, the teen was deathly scared, but once in the campsite, one of the guys told him what was going on and said they'll let him out eventually. The teens had fun teasing Ray, who was still confined in the locker. Despite his protests, and then begging, no one really let him out as the party progressed, only occasionally spilling some booze through the holes of the locker onto Ray's face.
Needless to say, everyone got pretty drunk that evening and Ray eventually passed out from all the stress and yelling he did, but by the time he woke up, the party was over and no one was around anymore.

The drunk teens had forgotten about Ray.

Noone really thought about him until later... much, much later... 'when the break was over and they went back to school and Ray was missing in class' later.
Some of the teens panicked, seeing as no one remembered letting Ray out, so they hurried after school to the campsite, only to find the locker busted open and empty. It had bloodstains and reeked of something foul, but, it was empty...
Ray, however, never returned.


Ray had died in the locker, but not before spending days in agony, starving, dehydrated and yelling until he broke his vocal cords. It did not help that being trapped in the small metal locker, he'd get overheated during the day and froze in the night. Bound as he was, Ray had no chance of escape. Out of desperation and stress, he started chewing on his lips. He chewed so hard he made them bleed. The fluid ran down the sides of his face and down his neck until it reached the sigil Ray had been wearing on his neck. Surprisingly, the sigil soaked it up like a sponge.

The moment Ray passed on, his skin turned a nightmarish dark and a loud, unnatural growl escaped him. His still fresh corpse was immediately possessed by the demon of the sigil he was wearing, as to summon it one had to give it blood and sacrifice a life.
It immediately bust out of the locker and escaped into the woods, growling in anger and pain.


- The reason that his arms are still bound together, despite his inhuman strength that would surely be enough to break them, is that according to the summoning pact, the demon has no power to alter it's residing form; meaning he is incapable of doing something as simple as breaking ropes, changing clothes or even removing his blindfold on his own. He needs an outside force.

- Another oddity about the demon is that the summoning was very much messed up; there HAS to be a living summoner to give orders to the summoned demon, but Ray ended up summoning it with his own life. Due to the forces of demonic law, the summoner has to be present until the demon fulfills it's assigned duty, so Ray's soul was pulled back into his body with force. He wasn't brought back to life, but was forced to posses his own body, which is different. His body was already occupied by the demon, however, causing both of the entities problems;
Ray had most of his memories ejected from him to make room for the demon. He is now an unaware lost soul that barely registers the world around him. He is unable to speak properly (due to the damaged vocal cords) or even comprehend the situation he is in, making him barely even human and more of a shell of what a human is.
The demon has no clear calling or orders, as Ray is too unaware of the situation to command it properly, so it acts on instinct which are based on the last memories of the body; hunger, thirst, anger and pain.
Neither of the two are in control of each other, but the default mode for the body is Ray. The demon kicks in if Ray has an emotional/physical response to something and that emotion relates to one of his instincts. The way Ray reacts to things is unpredictable, so no one and nothing is safe from the demon. Ray allows this, as he is unaware of the switch that happens.
Ray lost concept of time and is trapped in a dream-like haze where things don't make sense to him, but he doesn't really realize it, going along with it.

- Based on the switches between Ray and the demon, he has two modes;
*Closed mouth mode - Docile, not a threat. Slow, quiet, usually stationary. Doesn't speak, but can attempt to (has a hard time, as if his vocal cords were damaged.. which they were.) Can travel through shadows in this mode, creating illusion of teleportation. In this mode there is a chance to communicate with him, but he has the comprehension skills barely greater than a dog's. He is basically blind in this mode, operating on only sounds and smells (which are heightened thanks to the demon). He also has great spatial awareness and can dodge objects in his path quite well, almost as if he can actually see.
* Open mouth mode - As soon as the teeth appear, though, SOMETHING'S gonna get eaten tonight. They won't close until he consumes flesh. there is no reasoning with this mode. Run. He will keep pursuing until prey is caught or the sun rises.
Hecka fast, strong, jumps good, aggressive, out to kill. Only sounds he makes resemble violent growls of a very hungry stomach. Something like this (yucky stomach growl noises ahead xD; don't listen if they squick you out);…
In this mode he has a third eye with which he can actually see.
So long as blindfold is kept on; He has no depth perception and will often violently slam into things if he's pursuing. Not very good eyesight, extremely sensitive to the light. Tracks motion and sound better than anything.

- The jaw in open mouth mode can unhinge itself.

- Although his body is ~technically~ a corpse, it won't rot away while the demon is there.

- Neither the demon nor Ray like the sound of chatter. Lots of talking will agitate Ray and will cause the demon to take over. Calm, slow, single voice gets a pass, though.

- As stated before, the demon is sensitive to light, so he will retreat into the darkness once the sun starts rising. He will avoid well lit rooms and other spaces, but something small like a flashlight will only serve to agitate him.

- The blood trails from his lips to the sigils that summoned the demon remain on his skin as permanent markings now. (Also i made that sigil up, it's not an actual demon sigil. :u )

- Like many demons, he seems to be able to mess with electric powered items, like cellphones and streetlamps.

-More stuff might be added later vwv-