X-STATIC Metaverse OC by LexSyn on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Original character from The Metaverse ™️

Name: Mira Ava Wallace

Alias: X-Static

Species: Metasapian

Affiliation: Hero

☆Powers/abilities: Electropath, Electrokinetic, Electromancer- Can generate, manipulate, and absorb electrical forms of energy.

◇ Sub abilities:
Electromagnetic spectrum vision- can see in the full Electromagnetic spectrum from inferred to ultra violet to X-ray.

Bio-electric signature sensing- can see and feel the bio electric signature of all living things and use it to identify information about the target. I.e. gender, height, weight, species even emotional states.

Electroshock immunity- is completely immune to electrical shocking.

Thermal resistance- Has a very high resistance to extreme temperatures.

Recharging- can absorb electrical energy from anywhere there is a source as replacement for sustanince for a short while.

Can be completely drained of power, although able to easily recharge from unlikely sources.

Rubber and shock Retardant materials render her powers null having absolutely no effect on the substances.

Fear of swimming pools due to PTSD ~Note~this phobia isn't because of a weakness to water in fact water does nothing more than get her wet like anyone else but it does make her powers slightly less predictable and less safe to use around people. Hint Hint*

Gamophobia- Fear of commitment or being tied down to long term responsibilities that are mandatory or unavoidable.

□Personality traits

Positive: confident, courageous, calculated, curious, caring, determined, commanding, thoughtful, observant, quick wit, decisive.

Negative: cunning, quick tempered, cocky, dogmatic, demanding, conflicting, bossy.<

Origins: Mira hates swimming pools. She hates swimming pools becuase it's impractical to hate all water, though when her powers manifested she did give it the good college try. That lasted about a day and a half. Turns out a 12 year old boycotting water in the middle of summer in Las Vegas leads to heat stoke and eventually unconsciousness. She remembers waking up to the feeling of water on her face bringing back flashes of that day. The day IT happened. The day Mira manifested this curse. The day that curse lit up that pool like ten electrical chairs and she was forced to watch as her entire family, who had only been swimming right next to her moments ago, started to violently seize and spasm. The sounds of thier bodies slapping the water mixed with that fucking smell, the smell of cooking human flesh with a terrified 12 year old girl in the middle. Sobbing screaming begging to know what's going on. Mira sat straight up, screaming out for her parents. What she finds instead is a trembling older woman with that all too familiar look in her eyes. It happened again. As Mira struggles to stand up the woman scambles away like a wounded fox. She can barely breathe through all the trembling her hands are doing as she rumages through her bag for her phone. It wouldn't do her any good. "It's dead" warns Mira "along with every electrical device within about 500 ft of here". The woman is staring at her clearly skeptical about the claim. Well, at least she's stopped trembling, thought Mira. The woman then looks quickly down at her phone as soon as she fishes it from her bag. Mira just rolls her eyes. " I already told you it's gonna b-" "dead." The woman finishes the sentence before Mira gets the chance. She looks from Mira, to the phone, then back to Mira. The trembling has returned and It looks as though she's going to cry but is too scared. Her lips keep parting as if to speak but she says nothing. "Look, as much fun as it is too wake up to a complete stranger trying to drown me," Mira scolds, looking much more mature than any 12 year old had the right to. "I think I'll just see myself to the hospital." With that, she turns away and storms down the street before the woman could say anything in protest, breaking the mature illusion back to that of a 12 year old girl throwing a fit. Especially becuase she had no intention of going to the hospital. No hospitals. Hospitals had doctors and doctors ask questions, too many questions. But she didn't have any answers. All she had was this curse and herself and occasionally a little black cat named Hades who followed her and keept her out of trouble... for the most part.