The Spooky Castle Adventure by LiamTheMarowak on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Art Trade with @ksuniverse

It was a dark and stormy night at the pokemon village, and Liam and Jack are watching a horror movie to have them in a spooky mood. "I know what gonna happen in this part, there is gonna be a big jumpscare to it! Better cover myself from it!" Jack said as he covers his eyes with the pillow. "Hehe, Jumpscares, What can ever be something scary than that? Nothing!" Liam said as he eats his popcorn while watching a horror movie. Suddenly, a jumpscare pops up, then the lighting struck, making all blackout in Liam and Jack's house. "Oh great, I was watching my favourite part of the horror movie!" Liam said. "L-Liam, You have to protect me because I'm getting more scared than ever!" Jack said. Liam was thinking that he should fix the power generator in the basement. "Hmmm, Maybe if I go down the basement, I'll try turning the power generator off and turning it back on. That way the power will be back on again!" Liam said. "Ok, but make sure to be quick, Or else something is gonna jump on me!" Jack said. Liam tells Jack to try to relax for a minute. "Relax Jack, I got my own flashlight with me, I'll be just in a minute." Liam said as he turns on his flashlight and went into the basement. Inside the basement, he tries to find the power generator by looking around. "Hmmmm, there could be a power generator here somewhere in the basement. Might be on the wall." Liam said he looks around with his flashlight. Just then, a Shadow figure of a big monster was shown on the flashlight, making Liam shakes his head for a minute. "What was that?! Is that a monster in the basement? Or is it just my imagination?" Liam said as he looks again, but the shadow figure of the big monster is gone. "Seems it must be my imagination that is playing with my mind, anyways I can see the power generator in front of me. Better turn it off and turn it back on!" Liam said as he goes to the power generator to turn the power off and back on, but for some reason, the power isn't turning on. "That's odd, it's not turning back on. I need to tell Jack about this problem." Liam said as he goes back to tell Jack. Meanwhile in the Living room, Jack uncovers his eyes with the pillow, but he was still shaking. "Come on Jack, just be a brave Cubone, and make sure you have happy thoughts!" Jack said. Then, Jack can hear a knock on the door. "W-Who's there?! I hope it's not the monster that is trying to get me!" Jack said as he gets off the couch by standing up and looks at the door that is knocking. "H-Hello? Is anyone out there?" Jack said as he slowly approaches to the door. Just then, he turned around, and Saw Liam, which makes him scared. "Gah! Don't scare me Like that Liam, you almost made me jump through the ceiling!" Jack said. "Oh I'm really sorry Jack, and I can also can hear knocking on the door, Who can that be? Could be someone that can fix the power generator." Liam said as he goes slowly towards the door. "Oh please don't be a monster that is following us!" Jack said as Liam opens the door, and they could see Mayor Charizard. "Oh hey Mayor, You're here to fix our power generator, or is there something bad that is happening?" Liam asked. "Hey, it's something bad happening, all of the power was down, and there is something horrible about your elemental dojo. It's, It's..." Mayor Charizard said as he thinks about something bad happened to Liam's elemental dojo. "It's what?!" Liam said as he began to feel shocked about it. "It has been covered by the dark shadow clouds, and if you touch it, you become a dark one! Follow me quickly so I can show it to you two!" Mayor Charizard said as he rushes to Liam's elemental Dojo. "Dark shadow clouds?! Now this is feeling like we are in a horror movie!" Jack said. "And we need to follow the Mayor as well! Quickly Jack, Follow me!" Liam said as they followed Mayor Charizard to his Elemental Dojo. They arrived at the elemental dojo, and they are shocked that their elemental dojo was covered in the Dark shadow clouds. "Oh no! Our elemental dojo! Who could have done this?!" Jack said. "It might have been one of the shadow members, and we need to find them to get rid of this!" Liam said. "It's not the shadow members that causes it. It's the dark and scary monster that lives in the castle by himself. In order to get this away, you will need to defeat him at all costs!" Mayor Charizard said. Liam and Jack can't defeat him on their own, so they need to think of someone that can help them defeat the monster. "We can't defeat the monster by ourselves! We need another member to help us, but who?" Liam asked. "I can help you both, I'm a expert of defeating scary monsters!" Fighterman said. Liam and Jack looked so amazed about his awesome armour. "Wow fighterman, you seem that you sure are ready for the Halloween spirit!" Jack said. "Sure am Jack, and I also got my dark element ready for the battle!" Fighterman said as he shows his dark element power. "Hmmm, will this able to defeat the monster in the dark castle?" Liam asked. "Could be the case, and I hope you got your elemental powers ready as well!" Fighterman said. Liam and Jack checked their elemental powers, and they sure are ready to battle the monster. "Our elemental powers sure are ready to defeat that monster!" Liam said. Mayor Charizard waved at them trying their luck to defeat the shadow monster. "Good luck, and be sure to defeat him and get this dark scary cloud away!" Mayor Charizard said as they used their teleportation power to travel to the dark castle where the monster is. They arrived at the spooky castle, and it sure is spooky for the monster to live in. "Here we are, the castle where the monster is! That way we will be able to get inside, defeat the monster and make sure your elemental dojo is back to normal!" Fighterman said. Suddenly, they can hear a evil laugh coming inside the castle. "Is that the monster that I can hear?" Liam asked. "If it is the monster, he sure is going to get me and become a monster like him!" Jack said as he shakes in fear. "Yes, you sure are right you two, that is the monster inside, let's go inside right now!" Fighterman said as they went inside the spooky castle to meet with the dark monster. The Dark Monster sees that Fighterman, Liam and Jack are entering the castle. "Ahahahaha! Welcome to my Castle! You're here to make your elemental dojo go back to normal with my powerful dark clouds?!" The Dark Monster said. "Wait, you are the one I just saw your shadow in the basement when I try to turn on the power generator!" Liam said. "You did? Well good find there Liam! But still, are you ready to challenge me?" The Dark Monster said. "Sure are, now let's battle and bring our elemental dojo back!" Jack said as the Dark Monster gets off his throne and they started to battle with him. fighterman uses his dark element power on the monster, but it isn't effective. "Guys, I think my dark element power isn't working, try your elemental powers Liam and Jack!" Fighterman said as Liam and Jack tried to use their elemental power, but they are not effective as well. "It's not working! What are we going to do Liam?" Jack asked. Liam was thinking that if they combine their elemental powers to defeat the dark monster. "I have a idea, what if we combine our elemental powers so we will be able to defeat the monster easier?" Liam asked. Both Jack and Fighterman agree with Liam. "Sure, let's combine it and defeat him in no time!" Jack said as Liam, Jack and Fighterman combine their elemental power in one. "Wait, are you trying to do?" The Dark Monster said. "To defeat you in one go!" Liam shouted as they throw the combined elemental power to the dark monster, which weakens him. "Alright, now remove the dark scary clouds from our Elemental dojo, or Else." Jack said. "Ok ok, you win, but you will never see the last of me!" The Dark Monster said as he snaps his fingers to make the sunny skies, Disappears and Remove the Dark clouds from the elemental dojo. "They did it, they really did it!" Mayor Charizard said as he watches the elemental dojo go back to normal. "Huh? He's gone?" Liam said. "Yes, but he might be back next year, anyways let's get you two home." Fighterman said as they teleported back to the pokemon village. When they are back, they can see that the elemental dojo has returned back to normal. "Seems my elemental dojo is back to normal now!" Liam said. "You sure did, and defeated the monster as well!" Mayor Charizard said. "Well, looks like I need to continue on to my adventure." Fighterman said. "And I need to check on my papers for when the next event comes in." Mayor Charizard said. "And for us, we got a lesson in the elemental dojo, our students are coming in soon." Jack said as everyone went back to their daily tasks for the day.

Liam The Marowak and Jack the Cubone belongs to @LiamTheMarowak (Me)

Fighterman Belongs to @ksuniverse

Pokemon Belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak

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