Narayan by LilacPhoenix on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LilacPhoenix on DeviantArt

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LilacPhoenix's avatar

Published: Jul 30, 2015


Nintendo eShop Comission 1/3 for :iconazure-wolf96:, who took the offer for Pokemon: Omega Ruby.

She aswkd me to draw her merman OC, Narayan. I really love his design, and enjoyed drawing him. :D Makes me wish I can draw and design more mermen like this. :XD:

Narayan © :iconazure-wolf96:

Image size

786x1017px 135.49 KB

Azura-Mermaid-Arts's avatar

love it!! [Kofuku Ebisu (Fangirling) [V1]](