hawkfrost and brambleclaw by lionheart34 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

lionheart34 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lionheart34/art/hawkfrost-and-brambleclaw-214483174lionheart34

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lionheart34's avatar

Published: Jun 22, 2011


welll lol today, i sent forever trying to learn to use gimp, and i still have no idea wtf im doing with it so that was a bit frustrating.
so to wind down i opened up paint and did this ^^
well here is brambleclaw and hawkfrost just talking, to each other, probably joking around by their expressions, and i rather like how hawkfrost turned out, (the one witht the blue eyes) i like how his head and face turned out the most and lol i did not want to make them both the same colors like it says in the books because i always imagined hawkfrost being like a greyish brown, but lol with paint, you can only go so far with colors X3
hope you all like it!!!
warrios and these characters do not belong to me!

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1360x642px 663.62 KB

SilvermoonOfRC's avatar

Wow you're so good at drawing! I feel, like you captured the emotions of them. :D Nice job