Let it Out by LionzHeart on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
LionzHeart on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lionzheart/art/Let-it-Out-527364502LionzHeart
Deviation Actions
Published: Apr 17, 2015
Mummmmmrraaah the eevveerrliiivving put a curse on Tygra
It brings out all of the anger that he has towards Liono...
I mean..ya know..towards not being the King..
when Tygra is clearly better at EVERYTHING, the first child, AND ALREADY has a queen lined up.
What does Liono have?
Tygra's claws at his throat.
Mummrah was originally in this piece looming over them and I may add him later...
Image size
654x800px 243.05 KB
Great Job.
Hopefully Cheetara or Panthero will break it up.