Effing Hippies by Liquid-Mushroom on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Liquid-Mushroom on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/liquid-mushroom/art/Effing-Hippies-480233605Liquid-Mushroom

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Published: Sep 4, 2014


Just something I've been working on for fun in between making more pages for my coloring booklet. This is actually quite a bit taller but wouldn't fit in my scanner. Ill probably update this later with a full photo but I just really wanted to post something since I haven't in so long.

Image size

1300x717px 1.29 MB

Hi, I am creating a zine for my final major called HIGHdeas. It was be an anonymous zine which presents the idea of creativity and drug use so I'm looking for drawings, paintings, poems, quotes etc to use and really love your stuff and was wondering if I could use some of it as contributions. Let me know as I think some pieces would work really well!
