Tomb Raider IV - Unofficial Poster by LitoPerezito on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LitoPerezito on DeviantArt

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LitoPerezito's avatar

Published: Jan 12, 2013


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1107x1782px 1.62 MB

arpith20's avatar

I still remember buying TR4 in the year 2003, I was like 10 years old back then I picked up the Disc Box of TR4, stared at the box art that had this artwork, I looked at my mom and I said "Mom I am buying this" and then my Mom went like "hey it's that big breasted woman whom you always play as". I kinda said to myself "Shit my mom is being a little too loud" and then I pretended to feel like she never said that. Lol, My mom always knew that I loved playing as Lara Croft.