Hold Still 2 by Littlecutekiller on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Littlecutekiller on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/littlecutekiller/art/Hold-Still-2-273745295Littlecutekiller

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Littlecutekiller's avatar

Published: Dec 13, 2011


Voila, I changed the background! So I'learn not to put a blood spattered background when I DON'T KNOW how to make a decent blood spattered background!
And I also erased the tooth coming out of his mouth because it made him look dumb. It's true, he has pointy teeth but he's not a vampire anyway. Ok I'm rambling again...
I don't remember where i took the background, I had it sticking around in my computer for a while and finally I found a place for it. :XD:
I wasn't really sure whether to delete the other or not but I think I'll keep it in my scrapbook to remind myself my errors...

Image size

1000x1300px 141.85 KB

Poldovico's avatar

E-PI-CO! And that's really all there is to say on the matter [cit.]