Angie [Refsheet] by llMPULSE on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Angie Wurth
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Orientation: Hetero
Occupation: Transit city bus driver
Nationality: Canadian


- Moody
- Disgruntled
- Sassy
- Apathetic
- Sarcastic
- Cocky
- AntiSocial

Other Info:

- Angie is the driver for Bus 8 (Route 8).
- Loves coffee.
- Loves her cat named Lind.
- Is a very fiery short lady. Don't mess with her she will probably mess you up, she's a strong lady.
- Rarely ever smiles and doesnt like to show emotions. It's hard to get her to laugh or crack a smile.
- Loves to read.
- Likes to string vulgar dirty jokes. Her sense of humor is definitely inappropriate but she doesn' care.
- Loves her bus. She only likes driving the 8. That bus is her metaphorical child.
- Dislikes children.
- Hates noisy places and people, likes her peace and quiet.
- Acts very apathetic all the time.
- Angie is the only one who knows that 13 isn't exactly human, but is an anomalous being in a human form.