Cake thief by LockRikard on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LockRikard on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

LockRikard's avatar

Published: Aug 12, 2012


Ender cake :dummy:

Requested by :iconminecraftfangirl: and :iconhellsingdragoness:

Image size

3000x1600px 2.04 MB

NiThirio's avatar

Just found this on 'What's Hot'. Good job getting there in the first place.

Nice render, endorse for the glowing eyes of enderfolk. The environment is also well suited for this kind of situation. The shaders could be better - not sure what soft you use, but the shading is too sharp to be real (well, minecraft-like indeed, but model could have looked more shader-from-optifine-like or that kind of stuff :P).
And did the human just knocked his door off? :DD