Oceania by LordAmon12 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Awesome commission by :iconshonemitsu: (seriously check him out!!)

Also a new upgraded bio for Oceania:

Name: Lenora

Alias: Oceania

Race: Demigod

Height: 5' 5"

Age: 23

Place of Birth: Istanbul, Turkey

Gender: Female

Hair: Navy Blue

Eyes: Green

Confirmed Relatives:

Poseidon (Father)

Andrea (Mother, Presumably Deceased)

Most of the Greek Pathogen (Obviously)


Skilled fighter: Oceania is skilled in hand to hand combat.

Superhuman strength: Oceania is capable of lifting 500 tons.

Superhuman agility: Oceania has very good reflexes; she is easily capable of dodging bullets and energy blasts that move at supersonic speeds.

Water Manipulation: Being the daughter of Poseidon, Oceania inherited the ability to manipulate water.

Water Blast: Oceania can easily fire a blast of water that is several times more powerful than a water hose and at full power; it can destroy buildings with ease.

Water Bubble: For defense Oceania can also use her water abilities to create a bubble around her body to protect herself from harm, her bubble is capable of surviving lava for five minutes and most projectiles like rapid gun fire. she can also create a bubble for her allies too.

Water Trident: Oceania can create tridents made out of pure water and are as deadly at the real thing..

Healing: Oceania can heal herself when she is in contact with water, she can also heal others.

Tidal Wave: When enraged Oceania can create a tidal wave that can level an entire city (It’s very unlikely that she would use it, especially on a populated area)

Standard Weapons/Equipment:

Atlantean Spear: A double bladed spear that Oceania is armed with. She received this weapon form Atlantis and is capable of firing lightning.

Weakness: Despite her power, Oceania is slightly absent minded; she can easily fall for even the simplest tricks which villains can take advantage of. Oceania is much less powerful when she is in dry land, due to the lack of water and also doesn't fair very well against extreme heat. Oceania is also more vulnerable to penetrating attacks like needles and swords and she can also be drudged, if villains have a chance of doing so. Oceania also tends to hold back her powers as she is afraid to take a life.

Personality: Oceania is kind-hearted, strong willed but is slightly absent minded (Can easily fall for tricks) , and a bit insecure. She is generally shy and keeps to herself most of the time.

Bio: Lenora was the child of the God of the sea Poseidon and a mortal woman named Andrea. Most of her childhood Lenora had a pleasant life and has no knowledge of her father as her mother said that she was an accident. Lenora was born in Turkey and was there until the age of 10, were she and her mother eventually moved to California. During her time in high school, she was a shy, but fairly popular girl, and she even surprised her fellow class mates, by how athletic she is, even outperforming the top athletes in her school, easily. Little that she knew that she inherited this from her father. At the age of 18, shortly after graduating from high school,. Lenora’s mother decided to tell her the truth that the reason that she is stronger and has more endurance then a normal person and her unique hair color, is that her father is the Poseidon. Lenora was obviously in disbelief since; she only believed that this was a mere myth, but at the same time Lenora wouldn’t believe that her mother would lie to her about this. Lenora eventually believed her mother even more, when she gave her a strange double bladed spear that she claimed it to be a gift from her father. Shortly after this, there home town was suddenly attacked by a fire golem, who calls himself “Magmus”, the creature stood at 9-feet tall as he effortlessly destroyed cars, buildings and even some civilians. In a desperate situation Lenora would attempt to protect her mother and everyone else, she would try to fight Magmus, Lenora fought well, but was knocked out. When she gained consciousness, Lenora realized that the entire town was devastated and her mother was missing, which she presumed was killed by Magmus. Deeply saddened by this, she fell on her knees and sobbed, this all changed when a strange man visited her, he said that he is from Atlantis, and said that sensed, something unique with Lenora and that she has the potential to become even more powerful. Seeing that she has nothing much to lose, she decides to train in Atlantis for 3 years, mastering that ability to manipulate water and came up with Alias of Oceania, and decides to start a career of a superheroine.

Oceania/Lenora is created by me and is also a part of :iconangel-fallsda: