You'll really come for me? by LordCamelot2018 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LordCamelot2018 on DeviantArt

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LordCamelot2018's avatar

Published: Dec 2, 2018


His words in the end stole her heart. since no matter where or time of day if she needs him he'll come and help her slay the goblins even the ones who haunt her dreams. even though according to the manga and light novel the public only knows that the heroine stopped a plot against the sword maiden, but for the Sword Maiden as well as us the viewer the real hero was Goblin Slayer since who he saved was the one needed it more than people would've realized.

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1920x2004px 1.62 MB

Agafemo's avatar


i will cum for you :D