Proservers by lorddarq on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

If you give something for free, it does not mean you have to give something crappy, because it's supposed to be free.Don't be greedy and share your best stuff.Give others the opportunity to learn and evolve as well !

Well... may not be my best, but I certainly tried to make it look best ! :)

Servers have been made with only layer styles and a few brushstrokes. Maybe I'll post the full PSD later on as well.

Don't steal and take credit where credit is not due.Do not resell.If I wanted to make money with it I would have done so, so if I find anyone selling any of my freebies i will hunt his ass down all over the goddamn internet and sue him so hard, his grandkids will be paying damages.Consider yourselves warned.

Redistribute with intact package only and with proper credits.

I grant permission for commercial use with the request that I be notified first and where it applies, I wish to receive a copy of whatever it is you're doing (if it applies and it's possible).Permission to GFXworld is granted to post this resource as freebs on their site.