LordSopping1884 - Hobbyist, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


The Debutante Lesbians: Love and Water Part One

The Debutante Lesbians: Love and Water A bright full moon hung in the sky illuminating everything as Beatrice and Daphne walked through the gardens of the country estate belonging to Daphne's family. With Daphne's parents away on an extended trip on the Continent, the two young women had the large manor house all to themselves. Stopping by a large ornamental pool, with the moon reflected in the still water, the two flowed into each other's arms to share a long and succulent kiss. Since their days at boarding school together, they had been lovers, something that often occurred in the environment of such institutions, where females were deprived of the company of males to satisfy their sexual urges.Until they met again at the Debutantes Ball, Beatrice had thought the secret, forbidden desires she felt for her friend were gone, but they had only been laying dormant until they saw each other again. Now in a sanctuary, safe from the disapproving eyes of a society that condemned a love