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LiteratureMy Skeleton is a Lich!-Prologue In the modern-day-like era of a fantasy world, a young sixteen-year-old girl is walking down the cobblestone street, heading to the grocery markets to buy groceries. The day was calm and sunny, albeit there was a storm rolling in soon, and one could see it on the horizon-it was overall a peaceful day. There are many people out during this time of day of the morning, many merchants heading to their destinations, including mercenaries and adventurers, bodyguards, and even soldiers of the kingdom. However, abruptly out of nowhere, a scream resounded into the open skies as a loud crackling boom resounded and vibrated the air and stalls with a blinding flash, startling everyone nearby. The girl lay unconscious on the cold and hard cobblestone ground. She, like others nearby, was just struck by a lightning bolt, but she was the epicenter of that strike. It had taken a few seconds from shock to realize what had happened before people took action. Some people had to calm theMy Skeleton is a Lich

LiteraturePhantom Chatroom Prologue -Jazzy has added Phantom, Goth Princess, Techno Geek, Little Phantom, and Huntress to the Ghost Getters chatgroup- Jazzy: Hello all! :) And welcome to the Ghost Getters Chatroom! :) Goth Princess: ...Jazz? What's going on? And why is Valerie here too? :( Huntress: Well, gee. I love you too Princess... :/ Techno Geek: Yeah. Why did you add us to this chatgroup? And Ghost Getters? You're still hung up on that!? o.o;; Goth Princess: Wait... Is this your little ploy at trying to give us a psychology lesson for your thesis for college I've heard about? :/ I know you've repeatedly tried to rope Danny into doing it before as your patient. Jazzy: I dunno what you're talking about! v.v Goth Princess: Jazz... >:/ Jazzy: ...Okay, fine. It is. But I couldn't think up of any other way otherwise! :( Also, with this, it'll be easier for us to keep in contact when we need to fight and capture those ghosts! Look, I even managed to get and add Dani in here! Goth Princess: IPhantom Chatroom

LiteratureAlter Heart Ch.1 I'm aware that some people had to have imagined this kind of scenario at some point in their life, heck-it was even a setting in some stories, but what would you do if you suddenly found yourself alone? As in, the only one of your species left on the planet despite everyone being there the previous day? Well, that's what happened to me, unfortunately. At first, I was happy that I could have done whatever I wanted with no one to scold me and say otherwise, but after a few days, it quickly became eerie as I found out that I was the only one for miles around in my hometown. No family, no neighbors, no nothing when it came to humans. Not even on the television besides pre-recorded shows and movies. I had deeply felt in my heart and soul that I had been forgotten and left behind. And I felt crushed and despaired for quite a while. With no people around, who'll manage factories and other facilities? Who'll take care of the zoo animals, amongst other things? As for theAlter Heart

LiteratureThe Jester Ch.1 In the past, I was a mere lonely orphaned child who only had memories of surviving in the dark, dirty streets of anywhere I had fled. I had to learn the harsh reality of my world at a very early age if I ever wanted to survive. But nowadays, I've somehow found myself the laughing stock of everyone due to my current job: a jester-hence my name. It wasn't easy by any means, and it's not an exaggeration to say that my life has gotten easier since my younger days. But one could also say that my current lifestyle can be more brutal than before. Not more physically strenuous but more emotionally so and more mentally taxing. One would have to question if it were even better than before. However, since I was the one living this current life, and if one were to ask me, I would say yes, it did. The problem therein lies with how most wouldn't want this job or ever wanted to do it, and even if they did try their hand at being a jester, they would quit sooner or later due to the pressureThe Jester

LiteratureBeast of the Mist: Ch.1 -Alone- I used to laugh, cry, and play with other people until now. And before I knew it, I was alone, here in the dense mist. My life had drastically changed in a mere three days. Thinking about it, I couldn't help but cry. Within those three days, I couldn't let out the held-back emotions until now-it had all stacked up until the dam had finally broken. Standing there alone, I cried my heart out. Mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, big brother, and even my little sister-I thought to myself as more tears fell; they're all gone! My whole family-within those few days! Three days ago, our home received many visitors that seemed to be from a government of sorts or something similar. And my family-especially my dad and grandpa kept turning them away. When we thought they'd finally leave us alone, they suddenly came back with a vengeance, and it wasn't an hour or two later. They came back with a small army donned with strange weapons and armor, leaving us with little choice but to leave.Beast of the Mist

LiteratureAbyssmal Prologue One day a long time ago, before today's modern civilization-the world wasn't dominated by the human race. It was ruled by both holy and unholy creatures. And chaos was ensured whenever they crossed paths. That's how much they disliked each other, and it seemed as though neither side tried to understand the other. However, a young child of light, the holy side between the two, began to think and question things to the point of protecting others of the dark side-the unholy when things had turned ugly. Horrified, disgusted, and enraged by the betrayal, the holy creatures turned on them and had thrust them into a deep fissured abyss alongside those they had tried to protect. It was unknown what that person's friends and family thought of the event or the person in question. But one thing is for sure during that time, the holy all dubbed the betrayer, Abyssmal; and no one heard from them again. ...At least, that's how the story goes. Abyssmal

Nebulan Space BackgroundScenery-Backgrounds

LiteratureRekindled-Prologue- One day on two separate occasions throughout time in a world full of magic and fantasy, two people of different ages were struggling to live on despite slowly dying due to their fatal injuries-both young and old. The elder of the two is a knowledgeable white-haired mage who had barely survived a harsh bloody war-standing alone amongst the felled soldiers. Tired, battered, mana depleted-along with his tattered and worn down equipment; struggling to keep his vision, mind, and body in check, he gazes above to the vast darkened sky that was stained the same color as everything else around him. It was as if the long, bloody war had dyed its color onto the world's sky as if it too was a victim of it. Meanwhile, the younger from a period further in time than the magician's, weakly yet with strength, stabbed his crumbling weapon into the ground while his calloused hands still gripped the handle-trying to keep his balance. Haggard and gasping for air, the hero clad in formerlyRekindled

Sonic Vs Caterkiller OutlineColoring Pages -Free to Color ONLY-

Sonic Vs Caterkiller OutlineSai Tool

LiteratureHumanoid Monster Doll Ch.1 Ever since I was created-I a homunculus-have been fighting when ordered-no matter what it was nor the situation, and I; was thoroughly trained in many things such as assassination, war tactics, and even nighttime activities. I am the perfect tool created for whomever and whatever my master desired, including guarding as the perfect bodyguard and singlehandedly winning a war as a single-man army. However, being the perfect creation that had no flaws ends right here as of now. I-a supposedly unstoppable and unbeatable weapon; was defeated in this war that we were winning by a large margin. The enemy had somehow managed to turn the tables late in the game resulting in winning the war by defeating me. During the time I was unconscious due to heavy-injuries and severe blood loss, animated images of a single person whom I don't know emerged in my head as if I was watching a movie. I wasn't sure how long I was out, but it felt as if I was sleeping deeply for a long time, andHumanoid Monster Doll

LiteraturePM-Divergence Ch.1 "Oh no, what happened here? Hey, wake up! Please wake up!" A young voice pleaded anxiously, as they try to shake an unconscious person; its voice strangely echoed. However, it didn't seem as though they were waking up anytime soon, but with the continuous pleading and shaking, they began to stir, albeit morosely. "Nng... Stop; let me sleep a little more..." replied a sleepy female voice grumbling with a yawn. Her body felt strangely heavy. The voice huffed in relief," I don't mind if you continue to do that, but perhaps not here where it's dangerous?" "... ...Dangerous?" With her curiosity now piqued, she opened her heavily-groggy-eyes glancing upwards only to find something not human standing before her, yet something familiar. A brown bipedal dinosaur-like creature with a light-brown belly is wearing a big skull on their head while gripping a bone club in hand. No matter how long she inspected it, it's the Pokemon Cubone; a Cubone-thatPM-Divergence

LiteratureEnhanced Rebirth-Prologue- "Kyaaah! What is this? And what happened to the planet!!?" screamed a woman. It sounds as if she was going hysterical. "Hey, what's up with my body? I have scales and claws, but I don't have legs anymore!?" a man shrieked. Soon after that, more yelling and hysterical screaming resounded everywhere. Although the place is very dark, people could see the dark world around them. They weren't outside per se`, but they could see the world just fine as if they had night vision. Unfortunately-not everyone had this ability. "W-what do you mean? I can't see very well; tell me what's going on?!" someone demanded. "Y-yeah, not everyone can see!" agreed another. A handful of the ones who couldn't see in the dark yelled, demanding-at the ones who apparently could. It was understandable, the people who were able to see were saying some pretty incomprehensible things, but they; themselves weren't able to comprehend what was going on either. After all, everyone had just woken upEnhanced Rebirth

Chalk-Eyeball and Flamepictures

Survival Hub Stickersprites

Happy Treatingdrawings

Shiny Molienmy fakemon

Old Lossetta ArtMs. Paint

Clown of the Darkiscribble

Classic Nazoart in the making

Nine Tailed Fox 2tailed beasts and others

Muro Fennekinmuro

Mobiux Sonic-SonixSonic's Disaster comic