[British servitude] Jealousy and persecution by Lowlymaid on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

In this fictional setting where the servile class exists, a beautiful parlor maid named Emma finds herself subjected to cruel punishment and bullying by the owner's jealous and hateful wife, Mrs. Eleanor. Emma's looks have drawn the attention of the master of the house, and this has sparked jealousy and resentment in Mrs. Eleanor.

Scene: The elegant parlor of the grand mansion, where Emma is arranging the furniture for an evening gathering. Mrs. Eleanor enters, her eyes filled with disdain as she glares at Emma.

Mrs. Eleanor: (sneering) "You seem to enjoy the master's attention, don't you, girl?"

Emma: (nervously) "I-I assure you, ma'am, I'm just doing my duties as a parlor maid."

Mrs. Eleanor: (mocking) "Duties? More like trying to charm your way into his affections! I won't have it!"

Emma: (with concern) "Please, ma'am, I mean no disrespect. I'm only here to serve."

Mrs. Eleanor: (shouting) "Serve, yes, but not seduce! You are nothing but a lowly servant, and you will not think you can climb higher than your station!"

Emma: (trying to hold back tears) "I would never dare, ma'am. I'm grateful for my position here."

Mrs. Eleanor: (coldly) "Grateful, are you? Perhaps a little reminder of your place is in order."

Mrs. Eleanor proceeds to humiliate Emma in front of the other servants and guests, criticizing her every move and finding faults in her work. She accuses Emma of trying to gain favor with the master, causing the other servants to look down on her.

Other Maid: (whispers to another servant) "Did you see how Mrs. Eleanor tore into Emma? It's not fair."

Servant 2: (nodding) "It's jealousy, plain and simple. She can't stand the thought of someone else getting attention."

Throughout the evening gathering, Mrs. Eleanor continues to find ways to demean Emma, making her feel like an outcast among her fellow servants. She makes snide remarks about Emma's appearance, implying that she uses her looks to manipulate the master.

Emma: (to herself, holding back tears) "I don't understand why she hates me so much. I never wanted any of this."

Days pass, and Mrs. Eleanor's bullying and punishment continue relentlessly, making Emma's life a constant struggle to please her masters and endure the hateful treatment.

But Emma, despite the cruelty she faces, remains resilient, finding solace in the friendships she has with some of the other servants and in her dreams of a better future, where she can break free from the chains of servitude and be treated with the respect and dignity she deserves.