Esmeralda3- Dance La Esmeralda by LPDisney on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

~~~ Disney Moments: The Hunchback of NotreDame – Dance La Esmeralda… Dance! ~~~
(Created 05.11)

Finally FINALLY after many many months of doing everything else BUT drawing for myself, I finally managed to sit down and continue my Disney Moments series, and I have to say I’m pretty pleased n.n

I picked this specific scene of Esmeralda (meaning - the whole dancing, teasing, showing some cleavage, are you aware she is dancing on a high stage flipping her dress while all the men are looking from below o.O sequence) mainly because one of the things that amazed me the most in this movie for some reason was this shadowy effect done on her dress. I clearly remember going in my mind, while watching this on the big screen, “how the HELL did they do that OMG it looks so amazing how it moves with the animation it looks like real silk OMG!” (thoughts in my mind run so fast I don’t have time to add – “,”). And I have to say even after trying to recreate it I’m still not sure how they did it exactly.

It’s funny though, cause in this movie Disney used this blur effect (for the first time I think, or at least the first time that it’s so distinctive) on all the shadows and highlights and I really hated it (still do). Then again, today they are using an even cheaper and uglier effect (in my opinion) so looking back I guess it wasn’t so bad, he he. But still OMG I love her in her red dress, the feeling of the fabric showing through animation just blew me away.

And yes… I had TONS of fun drawing her hair. Can you honestly blame me :ninjaplot:

So… Story time? :


I was very skeptical before The Hunchback came out. I remember watching Pocahontas on VHS for the first time and just dying to see the commercial for the new upcoming Disney movie that summer (this was before I had internet). Then the commercial was on and I was like “What THE?! I mean, like, the Hunchback of NotreDame?? What was Disney thinking? Some dark depressing book about nothing but misery and pain, how the heck are they going to make a 2D Disney movie out of it?”

Well, I guess with a little bit of pixie dust anything’s possible, right?

The Hunchback came out when I was like 15, so I was mentally mature enough to really enjoy this movie with all its aspects. Up till today I truly believe this is the darkest and most mature (you can call it) 2D Disney movie ever made. I believe it’s probably scratching the limits of what Disney allow themselves in their 2D movies (though I have to say Ray’s death in Princess and the Frog really shocked me) and I’m honestly happy they were still sane back in those days and didn’t turn this movie into a complete mockery or whatever.

So I remember, after watching and falling in love with this movie (and its score), I promised myself that I would never doubt Disney again and that I should just trust them to do their job (YES! That’s your job, Disney, in case you forgot), which is to bring true animated magic on to the screen and into our lives.

Thank you for listening and viewing my work.
Your humble servant,

6-7 hours over a few days with tons of getting up…

The Hunchback of Notredame © Disney

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