Tokoyami Fumikage X (Anthropomorphic) Reader by LuckyLadyOtaku on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

" T-tokoyami?" You asked Ochako, smiled nodding.

" I don't know, I think you two would be cute together if you think about it. He's kind of a loner, he doesn't talk to many people, you don't talk to many people, but you are still great with communication. You would complete him, and the fact that he gives of a dark aura and you give out a white one makes it even more true!" Ochako rambled your cheeks turning a bright red.

You were an anthropomorphic dove, you didn't have a beak like Tokoyami, but you had most of a doves features. Your hair was long and silky white, along with your pale skin, and fully black eyes.You had wings on your back as well as feathers that ran up your legs and arms, to help your glide and fly. You were truly beautiful in every way, some mistaking you for an angel as you flew with your mesmerizing white feathers.

" Me and Tokoyami...." You said letting Ochako's words sink in as you both walked towards class.

" Did one of you call my name?" You heard a familiar voice say from behind you. You blushed wiping around your arms waving in front of your face as a mad blush spread across your face.

" W-we didn't say your name at all Fumi-sama." You said one of your feathers falling off and floating in air above you.

" F-fumi-sama?" He said a blush spreading across your cheeks. His blush only increases as one of your white feathers fell on the tip of his beak. A strange silence fell between the three of you as Ochako observed the two with heart eyes. You blushed a small squeak coming from you as you ran away from the scene quickly to avoid further embarrassment.

" Don't worry that means she likes you.~" Ochako said getting a darker blush to rise to his face, as she walked towards the classroom.

You quickly ran into the classroom a vibrant blush still on your face as your heart thumped in your chest. Why do I feel like this? You asked yourself as you sat down in your seat. I barely know him....I can't like him already, can I? Maybe it's been there for a long time, I just haven't noticed. You said to yourself as you rested your chin on the desk a blush still on your face. Ochako came in taking her seat next to you. That's when you noticed, the seating arrangement changed yesterday. You said in between Ochako and surprise surprise Tokoyami.

Just as you thought about his name he walked into the classroom a light blush still on his face.

" Are you blushing?" Kirishima asked from behind him. Tokoyami didn't answer his blush worsening. You covered your cheeks hoping they wouldn't see your blush and assume something, but it was to late.

" Y/n and Tokoyami probably got freaky with each other this morning before coming to class.~" Mineta said. You huffed turning standing up in your seat, striking Mineta and Kirishima with your feathers.

" M-mind your own business will ya." You said blushing still.

" Take a seat, L/n." You heard Aizawa say. You heard Kaminari laugh a little.

" Neither of them denied it.~" He said to Kirishima who laughed in response. Your blush was all types of red now as you turned to them with a glare on your face.

" That's not true, Tokoyami doesn't feel that way towards me!" You said to the two boys. The class fell silence as you turned around, but not before getting a glimpse of Tokoyami's shocked face. Why the hell did I just say that? What the hell is wrong with me? You asked yourself as you put your head down.

No what if they think I'm crying? You said feeling your eyes sting. Wait? Am I crying about this? You lifted your head looking up at Aizawa who was writing a pass most likely for you.

" Go calm yourself." Aizawa said handing you the pass. You felt all eyes on you as you got up and grabbed the pass leaving the room quickly. You walked down the hallway towards the bathroom thought swirling relentlessly in your head.

Ochako has always been telling me that me and Tokoyami would make a cute couple. Could that be true. I do think he is attractive, but isn't really a matter of if he likes me back.

" Where the hell are these feeling coming from? I've never felt that way towards him before, so why now?" You asked yourself. Opposites don't attract do they?

" Y-y/n? Are you okay?" You heard Tokoyami say. You felt your feathers stick up slightly as a warm blush came to your face.

" Y-yeah, I'm fine." You said leaning against the wall.

" Hey, I-I uhm, I don't not like you, I actually like you, like you a lot, I just didn't think you felt the same towards me, so, well what I'm trying to say is I don't hate you or dislike you it's quite the opposite." He said a small blush spreading across his face.

You looked at him for a little while before a small laugh bubbled up from your throat.

" W-what's so funny?" He said embarrassingly looking down. You kissed his cheek causing a red hue to spread across his beak as well.

" Your cute.~" You said smiling. He sighed awkwardly scratched the back of his head. You grabbed his hand inter twinning your fingers with his as you smiled at him.

" Come on, let's go back to class." You said. He blushed darker before walking along side you, hand in hand.

I guess opposites attract after all.~~

~The End~

Sorry for gramatical issues again grammerly is screwing it's self over.