Godtouched Saoirse by luigiix on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"It took me some time to finally Saoirse back. Saoirse is the mother of Zero, whose life was ruined when she became the cast off victim of the whims of callous divinities. And, in turn, she reminded her own son of this every day, seeding into the mind of a child that it was his fault that his family had been sundered. His fault that his family suffered. His fault that his mother was cast from her lofty position as the leader of an elite military force. His fault that everything went so, so wrong.
Until the day Zero broke.

When I first created Saoirse, I had imagined somebody who would have inspired her daughter to take after her and her mastery of the blade. Arts derived from multiple cultures into one nigh-invincible style. But when the story of Storm Path started going in the direction it started going, I actually didn’t have a place for her. I wanted her in the story, but wasn’t able to reconcile the fact that she wanted to find her son, and yet for some reason just disappeared despite still being active?

So, I went with a change. A change for a character idea that I had a while back, but wasn’t really able to find a place for.
Now I think it’s about time I bring it back.
The idea is quite simple, but I’m not exactly sure how far I should go into it. Let’s just say it uses the idea of “shards of power”. A power-bestowing McGuffin that set into motion the entire story in the first place.
Oh, and the hair isn't a recycle. :p (Lick)

I love this piece, though I do think I could have done a bit more with the design myself! I tend to go with simpler stuff as it makes it easier to draw and to describe. What do you guys think? c: "

Commission for Jeht-Maverick
Art by luigiix
